@HK_Reporter Are Ships like HMS Renown denied HE-VT because of any specific reason?
Nonsense, but existed for years, and did not get much complaint, and while painful one is indeed more historical.
Lots of balancing and BR changes would need if same rules applies to cruisers&detroyers.
For example, La Gallisonniere would lost it’s AP because it sunk as Vichy-French ship while those AP is American made one which supplied to FNFL.
Another case would be USS Atlanta and Porter/Somers class(except USS Phelps) loosing it’s VT round as earlier one sunk before VT round, and later ships does not supplied HE-AA and HE-VT round because they can’t fire high angles.
So Gaijin choose ‘convinent’ ways to just touch capital ship. Typical Gaijin moment, but hard to give ‘correct’ idea from users too.
It was never denied
So she just doesn’t have it because why?
You say you have no subject
And your brushes all have dried;
But come to Marazion
At the ebbing of the tide.
And look you out to seaward,
Where my Lady battle scarred
Hugs the rock that is more welcome,
Than the shameful breakers yard.
Paint her there upon the sunset
In her glory and despair,
With the diadem of victory
Still in flower upon her hair.
Let her whisper as she settles
Of her blooding long ago,
In the mist than mingles Jutland
With the might of Scapa Flow.
Let her tell you, too, of Narvik
With its snowy hills, and then
Of Matapan, Salerno
And the shoals of Walcheren;
And finally of Malta,
When along the purple street
Came in trail the Roman Navy
To surrender at her feet.
Of all these honours conscious,
How could she bear to be
Delivered to the spoiler
Or severed from the sea ?
So hasten then and paint her
In the last flush of her pride
On the rocks of Marazion,
At the ebbing of the tide.
Lt-Cmdr R A B Mitchell.
The report got accepted few months ago afaik and acknowledged. It was just never added.
Any news on the accuracy for 15in? There is no way we can reenact her 24km hit with the horrible state of BL Mk1s in this game.
Less Planes is a good thing
Its getting an accuracy buff
That sounds very promising then
However do you know the actual accuracy of her guns(and a third of British top tier in game)? I was only able to find the sources cited by wikipedia and it only said the fact that it is the most accurate gun without details.
Riley has the sources from the national archives, but I dont think Rodney is covered unfortunately
Am i supposed to be satisfied or what, i am a bit confused here
I dont really mind tbh, I saw people complain how a single breach reduced her fire rate to 80s/salvo and gave up on the thought.
What do you want then?
Like, what should be the desired result here? Is the Not A Bug response acceptable or it is not good? I am a bit unsure about this
Did you look at all the attatched sources on the side??
I saw them, but I have very limited knowledge about navy so the whole “broadside fire reduces accuracy” I cannot know if that is the case IRL or not
Firing adjacent guns at the same time caused the muzzle blast of each gun to interfere with the flight of the shell from the other gun, and ther were some expedients used to minimise this, such as firing the salvo from a turret with a slight time delay between the guns - the British fmously set the middle gun back a bi from the other 2 in their 6" triple turrets - see United Kingdom / Britain 6"/50 (15.2 cm) BL Mark XXIII - NavWeaps, which also made working the guns a wee bit easier as the crews interfered with each other less.
The US just used delay coils to stagger the firing - eg see International Naval Research Organization Articles - Evolution of Battleship Gunnery in the U.S. Navy - NavWeaps -