Historical armour performance vs in game performance

So, something thats been annoying me for a while, but may have been getting worse lately is the armour system has several tanks armour over performing - case end point, panthers and tigers should be easily able to penetrate IS1’s and IS2’s from the front within 500, let alone 100, but it seems regularly the IS family tanks armour over performs compared to historicaly what occured

are there any fixes or changes upcomming for this?

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The IS-2 is just overtiered (arguably the IS-1 is as well), it’s not really vehicle-class-wide problem.

The topic is misleading.

You are only talking about IS-1 or IS-2 and you are doing a bad job at it.

You can penetrate an IS-1 or 2 from 2000m with a Tiger or Panther, it just depends where you hit it.

Obviously not.

And how would there be any changes when you can’t even say what should be changed.

“hey I think something should be different. Are you planing to make it different?”

Is this some lazy bait attempt into historical armor performance?


IS-1 is fine as it has decent armor for such mobile heavy and same reloading rate as medium tank.

The reply is straight forward if you comprehend english - Rounds from this tank, that could penetrate “this tank” and yes, particularly IS 1 and 2, with regards to tiger 1 and panther models, are not penetrating the armour that historically it could.

If you want more specifics, unless they’ve angled the is tank perfectly, the entire frontal arc should be penetrateable, not just the lower shot trap of the turret. There’s nothing more to say than clearly it needs to be fixed

edit, and angling the IS 1 and 2 just exposes the weaker side slopes which would make it even easier to kill.

it doesn’t only apply to IS1 and 2.M18 shooting Panther G in the side of its turret should be an easy kill, but I get no pin. The damage analyzer indicates that my armor-piercing cap ballistic cap shell easily penetrates and kills it outright. but I heard from someone in the know that there is a sliding scale that changes the capability of one’s shell, changing randomly from match to match. My problem is they say a shell can do damage to a given tank but in-game it doesn’t happen. If you can’t depend on the analyzer to be accurate then it is of no use. I wish you would fix the analyzer to match what happens in game or get rid of it. because it causes players to get killed from missing leading info Please fix the analyzer to match the game or the game to match the analyzer .THANK YOU

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I don’t think that they will ever fix this, as they deliberately chose to go in the opposite direction by increasing its armor to fantasy levels:


This game is not historical

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It tries to portray to be that is why people argue about such things.


This is what is so confusing about this game.It does rigid historical in some areas and abandons it completely in other areas.
This is why map making and match making appears lazy and ridiculous


We would need a proper front-line mode or WWM being open 24/7 (something similar to the heroes and generals gameplay).

In current state only performance matchmaking can solve the issues we have.


While i appreciate the fact you’ve gone to the effort to post all that, the fact they’ve given the tank fictitious levels of armour just pisses me off. what you’ve just said means basically if a russian 76.2mm could partially penetrate and cause destructive spalling then all the panthers and the german 88’s should go through them like butter, but they’ve added the theoretical armour

This particular specimen of an JS-2 analyzed by the americans had a 4in. thick turret:


Just like this JS-2:


Now what? Who’s right and who’s wrong?

Edit: the whole thread: IS-2 - front turret and gun mantlet armor - measured - Heavy Vehicles - War Thunder - Official Forum

Edit2: Although, perhaps, both values are valid (in a way). The cast KV-1 turrets had a nominal thickness of 92mm, with a tolerance of -2mm to +8mm. If this spread is characteristic of soviet mass produced armor castings, then it is possible that there can be thicknesses ranging from 90mm to 100mm, perhaps even on the same JS-2 turret.



A carefully measured T-34/85 turret:

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As soon as I read the title I knew this was gonna be a German main complaining the couldn’t lol pen something.

Thanks for the detailed info, but you’ve just proven my point?

If the turret is 4" - that’s 101.6mm thickness, which is well inside the bounds of both a tiger 1 and any panther, out to about 1000m. And when you consider cast armour is nowhere near as good as RHA, it means its going to be weaker.

@actualsize123 try making a contribution rather than just proving you’re an ignorant noob


Next you’ll say that there should be historical match making cause it’s not fair that your tanks have to face heat.

you’re just here to make an ass out of yourself aren’t you?


Let’s stay on topic.