High tier CAS problem

That’s an absolute lie to be dreadfully honest…

Nope, they don’t…

This is just plain dismisal, because everything always comes back to ‘gaijin’ and their ‘precious revenue streams’, the old "They wouldn’t do XXX because it’ll hurt theiur sales’'.

Where just a video I was watching was making the ascertion that commonly those who pass this out as an argument, generally don’t spend anything at all, and are just moaning for the sake of it.

I said that it could be done easy, it’s not the fix you think it is.

And as I said just above, the angle to always make it about their revenue stream is just a throwout, it’s nothing contestable in the open, and it’s just a boogeyman throwout at that.

You don’t read anything? Ahhh well, pity…

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Being asked to prove if something is effective or to provide evidence for it isn’t what You call „being shouted down”.


You didn’t ask, and you’d already statchecked me from the get go, and had no interest in the point that I DON’T CARE ABOUT MY STATS… I can die for as many times as it takes to win, I am not a detriment to the team as you so put out, I am not as unable to play the game, just ebcause I have a lesser KDR than many on here…

I play the game for fun, and the ammount of new players that I find who haven’t even got past the teir that I am at, who are already convinced by people like You that constantly make out that it’s all pointless and unable to be played is actually pitiful.

By inflicting this sort of thinking, and assumption on new players makes it clear you’re having a truely negative effect on the game as a whole…

The fact that all of this genuinely started over you berating me over telling a lower level player to actually use SPAA, and you dressed me down something chronic and attacked my stats from the outset, without even checking thiers, is just you…

They weren’t even past teir 4, so this gatekeeping nonsense can go take a proper hike.

And yes, you don’t just ask for proof, and you’ve not just shouted me down one time… It’s every thread commonly, and really it’s destorying discussion.

After all, the discussion has nothing to do with stats, but you’ll make out it is about stats because that’s the simplest way to dismiss the point… Every, damn, thread… And it’s spreading to other players statchecking everyone as thier first ‘’‘’‘’‘‘discussion’’‘’‘’‘’ point.

We will end here, people on forum can eaisly check it, no point in destroying another topic because You want to play the victim


True even at top tier the spaas are very strong and u can defend the skies well even with the flarakrad
I myself berly die to cas as mbt since cas focus on spaa first
I die only when its a late game and the enemy stomps(coming from israel main that has no spaa at top tier)

Im low and mid tier cas is way stronger since spaa lacks range and much harder to play

CAS focuses everyone who moves and captures points, they try to drop everything es fast as possible and don’t care about what vehicle they destroy.

I explained everything several times before.


Not at top tier
In top tier cas focus spaa

Gaijin is a business so thinking they aren’t here for the money is naive to say the least. This is why we have same old modes for years now, they simply don’t think it would be a good move from a financial standpoint to spend money and months of development time on something that won’t bring them expected revenue.

People (not) spending money on the game doesn’t change that fact in the slightest.

It’s nothing weird for a company to prioritize their revenue over other things.

As you agreed earlier, how would you feel if the SPAA were brought to current standards to combat CAS more effectively and eliminating ARB and arcade in favor of just combined arms? Naval for obvious reasons staying its own thing.

Everything about the speculation of the revevnue, and nothing about any of the rest…


Didn’t say this in the slightest.

Again, not what I said…

I’m sorry, but seriously, do you guys just read words and ignore the meanings behind them because this is genuinely what I feel you guys actually do.

It’s about the push to make the connection and the topic to bolster your want/demand, ignoring that it’s nothing to do with it.

It’s everything to do with the throwout that comes from you, nothing to do with the company.

Your whole idea of how to solve this issue is directly the opposite of what Gaijin wants to do, it’s pretty obvious from all these years. This is what I’m trying to tell you.

We’d need dozens of fairly uninteresting (as a vehicle type) AA vehicles being researched, developed and balanced to just fulfill one part of your idea. This translates into months of labor for Gaijin, and I don’t see how it would be equally profitable as spending that time doing just that but for higher/top tier tanks/jets.

Sure, they might throw in a few copy/paste AAs into the mix to trick people they’re actually trying to fix this long lasting issue as fast as possible.

Second part of your idea is the changing of our game mode which as well takes time and resources, while benefits (profit in their case) don’t seem to be great. No wonder we’re keeping the same modes for years, how surprising is that ?

Your idea is fine on paper, but we need those changes now and not in half a decade, as frankly we’ve waited enough. By far the easiest and honestly, the best, course of action would be to add a TO mode as that would immediately take those imbalances out of the equation.

Well, lucky your opinion is worth as much as mine, and where have you even seen what Gaijin WANT to do… You’re only dismissing and deriding my opinion because of the fact that you don’t want my opin ion because it doesn’t align with your demands…

Seriously, peak discussion here folks… /s

Stop trying to gatekeep and make out it’s not allowed for me to hold an opinion, ‘right or wrong’ IN YOUR EYES…

Also, you’ve missed a lot of my suggestions and opinions because you likely didn’t even read them, because you are that hooked up on fixating on the ‘Add SPAA’ one of recent, which has been a common one all along…

You’ve missed the addition of other targets and objectives, spreading out of the map and making it so that planes fly longer to get there. AI AAA is another which wouldn’t be bad, and the fact that you’re that hooked on shouting it down and making me out to be absurd, it’s clear there is no discussion here because you can’t take on board anything of what’s put forth because you would have to admit there are better ways than just putting in this tank only mode that you crave… It’s the same as the SBMM…

You only want those, so you can only stand those who echo your desire.

That’s not how discussion works.

AI AAA and bigger maps only makes the problem appear less not fix it for people wanting just to play tanks. We already talked about it.

Do we want to solve the issue or sweep it under the rug?

TO solves the issue by default as people who just want to play tanks could play it and in combined mode only people who like combined aspect of the game would remain. It would solve some issues with balance of the teams.

SBMM solves the issue of different players skill, meaning that it would be less likely that team would meet a pro who can destroy them without them being able to do much about It.

AI AAA would be either too good or to bad, meaning that it would either make people liking the air aspect of the game angry (as they would no longer be able to do what they see as fun/look at the helipad AA case) or too bad meaning people could just ignore It.

Bigger maps only make flight to the battlefield longer so people instead of dying in „x” time to planes would die in „1.2x” time. People who like air aspect of the game already don’t like it how long they need to fly in prop planes above 6.7 - so aleady an issue that doesn’t solve anything for people wanting to just plan tanks.

New objectives for air would only matter for people who don’t want to attack players and You have to remember that there would be limited number of them. Again the same case as with bigger maps/longer flight time.

You can always explain how what I have said would not be the case. I would love to discuss it.


I’ll maintain my position, that your ‘discussion’ is nothing less than dictation, and the dogpiling and mockery that has gone on for so long, which has almost become an accepted norm, has destroyed any aspect of discussion that there was to have on this topic.

This is actually what I said so far back that it’s not funny… The Anti-CAS contingient, will be abusive at the drop of a hat, labelling anyone who dares to object a CAS-main, with every insinuation that they have no skill, or are just so abusive of the playerbase that they’re the worst person ever alive.

And that’s where this dogpiling starts to become a problem, when it genuinely overflows.

So we need to end it here as You don’t want to discuss points made and just play a victim and destroy the topic.

I tried to have a discussion explaining different approaches to the issue and how they would impact the gameplay and the „problem” we are discussing in this topic.

You’re the one saying that, but as you can see, you’ve only come in to say that my suggestions would be shit, on the back of what I have said regarding that very mentality you espose in all of these threads about the nagative, dismissing anything that could be an option, just for your suggestions alone…

Discussion goes both ways, but for you, it doesn’t… It’s just the mode, and the matchmaker you want, because you know how everything else wouldn’t be done, because you villify the other players, and opponents…

You added this after I formed the above, it further cements that you are the issue with this forum and genuine actual engagement when you are facing me…

And your dogpiles are actually so abusive and ignorant that you just want an echo chamber.

After all, that’s why you make out that I am the one that destroys the topic… You’re projecting.

I haven’t called them that, just said how it would impact the gameplay and the „problem” that is being discussed in this topic.

If You know that what I have said is not true You can always explain it so we can discuss it instead of getting angry that someone dares to not agree with You.

Before it was posted.

No, you’ve just come in here to say that it all won’t work… Yea, great contribution to the discussion… You PROVE what I said about the fact of this end of the thread…

But how do YOU know that these things I suggest won’t work? That’s the thing IT’S A TWO WAY STREET HERE…

You’re lying here, as you posted your one line, then put the second portion to make out you were tollerant and accepting.