EDR magazine has the interview about that
The Chally 130 is technically German as well, as it was tested and built there. Rheinmetall wanted a testbed to house a 130mm cannon, a direct competitor to Nexter’s 140mm, meant for the German market. Since the Challenger is wider than the Leopard it made it easier on their end when it came to installation. The British had no direct involvement in the effort.
I was going to add it as a potential addition to Germany, I posted it under Britain because it’s Britains only option for a large caliber MBT.
Supposedly it was built.
They fitted the 140mm gun into a T19-AV turret.
Still a obscure vehicle though.
Added, is there any detailed information for this one?
I can only refer to the Suggestion tbh.
I’ll do something with it, thank you.
I have some more information on the German/Swiss 140mm prototypes. The Swiss 140mm had a 1000mm long APFSDS with a muzzle velocity (MV) of 1800m/s or 1900m/s. Using some pixel measurements, we find a diameter of approximately 30mm, which (depending on density) gives us a penetration number ranging from 970mm to 1065mm at 0°. Other than that slight correction, I have little to add.
Is that a big 140mm HE round?
Great find! Gaijin please at least one 140mm armed mbt this year.
Afaik U.S., U.K., France and Germany followed a list of harmonized parameters for their 140mm guns, so their performance should be more or less equal. If i’m not mistaken U.S., France and U.K. used DU for their penetrator while Germany used tungsten. All 140mm guns designed under the agreement shared the same chamber volume of 20L and barrel length (L/48).
According to this page of the Block III/ATAC System brochure, the XM964 penetrator is about the same length as the whole forward part of the 2 piece round which is ~1m long.
That image doesn’t show XM964, but it shows the British made 140mm APFSDS next to their 120mm APFSDS, which was planned to be used for Britain’s FMBT project during the 80’s. For some reason a lot of people fell for some reddit post saying it is the XM964, but it isn’t. It’s even currently stored in Britain, alongside it’s British made 140mm cannon, which was meant to be carried on the Evolutionary National Tank
This however is the XM964
As for this, this was confirmed to not be a 140mm, just being a normal WZ1001
HOWEVER, a 140mm APFSDS shell was tested in China, but I cannot find any images
Wait seriously?
Yup, every other source I see with it also has it wrong then. Thank you.