Hey Devs, why don't you take a time off from adding new vehicles game mechanics, and focus for few months solely on polishing this game, balancing it, fixing bugs, reworking game modes so they are more balanced and fun



Different teams do different work.
They already have teams dedicated to those things.

Someone posts this every few months at least. I short No.

The people who design new vehicles and damage models etc are not the same people who do coding, bug reports and ui etc. These are different skillets and jobs.

To try and put it in another perspective that may be clearer. If your building a house you don’t stop the kitchen being installed because the tiles aren’t finished in the bathroom or the paining in the bedrooms needs to be redone. One doesn’t effect the other. Stopping one doesn’t make the others go faster.

Because they don’t make money fixing bugs, so they don’t have an incentive to invest into fixing them. Money IS made from selling new vehicles, so most of their efforts are put into separating you from your cash.

In response to the person who said that, “…if your building a house you don’t stop the kitchen being installed because the tiles aren’t finished in the bathroom…”. When you only have one guy that can install tiles, you may have to stop work until the bathroom tiles have been completed to wrap up the kitchen. And that’s what we’re noticing with War Thunder. The upstairs bathroom tiles are half done, the kitchen tiles are 80% complete, and tile work is now starting in the downstairs bathroom. Just kidding. We just decided to install a new decorative facade, so now the tile guy is being pulled away from the downstairs bathroom to deal with that because the owners need it done ASAP to show off to their friends.


I guess you watch pictures in Major Update announcement instead of checking all the bug fixes and changes listed in Changelog.

Here, grab the link: Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog