Help me

Hello to all the administrators and all the respected users of the popular game War Thunder
I actually have a little hearing problem.
When I play with rank 8 planes. Due to my hearing loss, sometimes I don’t understand the sound of enemy missiles locking.
My hearing problem has been congenital since birth until now.
I would like to ask you to add some alerts to the game screen. For example, when an enemy missile locks on you, add a red warning light that flashes.
So that I can better understand the danger. Thank you. Please add this feature

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The RWR hud that appears to the left of the screen usually will have different symbols that will tell you.

If you look into what RWR your planes have you can determine lock type and all.

if you have rank8 jet and it has maw+rwr, this plane will help you
maw- will scream at you and display the signal when enemy missile come at you
rwr- will scream at you and display the dirrection of sarh,arh missiles,

thanks bro

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Mostly you need to free look (using “C” on your keyboard) everyone is using it, and RWR helps you to determinate where to look :D so you could notch

Of course you are right. But my skill level is not bad. Average/ I am always careful about my surroundings. Except for my hearing. If the respected game creators. added some new features to the screen. The game would be more beautiful and realistic.
For example, adding a red warning bar outside the rwr circle for times when you are locked by the enemy.
Or adding an altimeter bar next to the wings. Because you most of the time have to maneuver at the lowest altitude. And a little look at the left panel is deadly. Because you are maneuvering with seconds.
Or in the left information menu: Show the selected weapon in another color
For me, the white color has often confused me. I did not know which hello I am active now. And before I changed the weapon, for example, from a bomb to a rocket, I was easily killed.
I sincerely wish you success and better development of this game.