Please, help me to find the cool blue Su-34 or Su-27SM vanilla afterburner files or where to find it. I have tried to extract jet_flame_diamonds from Su-34 cockpit by CDK, but it extracts only file wich not working
any updates on your progress?
Unfortunately, no :(
bro i have no idea what to do with the file , ive also been trying to use for the past hour with no results, u have any ideas?
Maybe we should ask some skinmakers, how they extracting this files, but IDK, how to contact them. And I think, that I need to extract jet_flame_diamonds from Su-27SM or Su-34 folder, not Su-27SM or Su-34 COCKPIT folder, but I can’t find it in CDK…
im friends with some content creators and there are many skin makers there , ill ask around
alright i got some bad news from a friend, you cannot edit the new afterburners we cant do it, even if we had the files they would overlap with the stock afterburners
That sounds really sad, but OK, I think that it’s better to know, that you can’t do anything, than not to know that you can do anything. Anyways, let’s wait, maybe developers will turn back this great feature of changing jet flames…