Help for SP Jet mission

Hi There,

I am searching for a solution some time now, perhaps someone can help.
If i create a Single Player mission (air) and i add a Jet, like an F-16 for the PLAYER, how can i give it 2 sidewinders and bombs? In the loaout there are only bombs OR sidewinders available, it looks kind of silly flying around with no sidewinders on the wingtips :-)


I’m afraid you can’t. In any other situation I would change weapon_preset.blk, but you can’t do that with already existed aircraft models(

You cannot do this in single missions.
But you can create mission by URL, where you can use any vehicle from your hangar, use any weapon setup and even change vehicle. Also, your crew level is from your current progress, not Lvl1.
I highly recommend to use this type of missions.

Thanks for the reply, too bad we can make high tier single missions, its kinda frustrating uploading MP missions for my own use

What is an issue with using MP to create single mission?
It is possible to use websites other than live.warthunder for more convenient mission uploading.