Hellenic Agusta AB212 ASW

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Description: The AB212 ASW is an Italian anti-submarine helicopter made in the Cold War by the Italian company Agusta. It made its first flight in 1976, and it was used mainly by the Italian Navy, but it was also exported to various countries. One of those countries was Greece, which operated a small fleet of 14 units in the late 1970s. Back in 1979, the Greek Navy was looking for a new ASW helicopter to equip its frigates. In the AB212 ASW, the Greek Navy saw an answer to their current requirements, and so the helicopter was chosen as the new ASW platform of the Hellenic Navy. Eleven standard ASW units equipped with MM/APS-705 surface radar and AQS-13B(D)/18(V)3 sonar were ordered, with three more units in the EW (Electronic Warfare) version. An interesting fact is that, beside the Italian Navy, the Hellenic Navy was the only other naval force to use the EW version amongst all the AB212 operators. The EW version was made with various ECM pods on the nose to disturb and confuse enemy units radar and prevent them from identifying and locking allied aerial units or warships. The Greek units are equipped mainly with the American-made MK44 and MK46 torpedoes to hunt submarines, and initially they were also equipped with AS12 air-to-ground missiles, but over time they stopped using them. They were never used in actual combat, saw no action or conflict, and passed all their lives on Greek ships. The fleet was later reduced to 7 units that are still operational today, waiting to be replaced with the American SH60 Seahawk. Some of the already decomposed units were scrapped; others were used as museum pieces.

Why it should be in game: It could be a good event/premium heli for the Italian tt if gaijin will ever decide to add the AB212 family to the game






2x MK44
2x MK46
Air to Ground Missiles
2x AS12
Door Guns
2x MG 3 7.62 mm machinegun



Agusta Bell AB.212 ASW, το ελικόπτερο των Ιμίων - Naval Defence





AB212 EW with ECM suite



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