
I know this topic has come up alot and often but I havent seen any real answer or clarity.

Is there any discussion between the devs about adding helis to EC sim? Its been asked by the community for years now and brought up in these forums quite a few times. So to avoid repeating the same thing that was asked before, I’m not asking for a discussion on whether they sould come to EC and I’m not using this thread to ask for them, its been asked before.

What I’d like to ask for is some transparency and would like to know if there is any discussion between the devs, or if there is any plans or talks on implementing them. Can @Smin1080p_WT or @Stona_WT help with some communication between the community and devs on this or give us any kind of update on thsi topic.

Once again this is not to try to open a discussion on whether they should, shouldn’t be, or how they shiyld be implemented. We already have a discussion on that elsewhere.


As a main helicopter player, I don’t understand why everybody thinks that they belong to air battles.
Yes, they fly, but they are not airplanes; they are more related to ground than you think.
Adding helicopters to EC sim looks like a waste of Gaijin resources that can be used to work on where helicopters belong, which is Ground Sim Battles, like, for example, by adding a new sim rotation where they are always present (right now, you can play helicopters in sim 3 days out of 5), fixing some vehicle balance issues, or whatever it is to improve this kind of forgotten gamemode.

Helicopters in Air EC don’t fit at all, because it will become some kind of pve, which is the most boring and objectively worse gamemode of the whole game, but you can get sniped by jet players in low-tier helicopters, or on the other hand, as a high tier helicopter, you can snipe from nowhere (considering how big and sometimes flat the maps are), or worse, spawnkill taking off jets with strong AA missiles like the TY-90.
Based on situations, you have two types of very unbalanced PVP for both sides.

So please, consider Ground Sim Battles for helicopters and not Air Sim EC, thanks.

The fact that EC modes offer some PVE game play os why people want helis in the game mode. Heli PVE doesnt help much at all with the grind and doesnt give much chance to stock helis. Air foeld camping already is an issue in some cases without helis, the solution is stronger AF defenses and larger maps.

Adding helis to sim EC would give more incentive to play helis as it would make stock helis more viable with its PVE nature and give more incentives to play through the heli trees.

Saying that helis belong in ground sim instead because of their nature is a mute argument that would also apply to ground attack arctaft and bombers, they can have a spot in both gamemodes.

@Smin1080p_WT @Stona_WT

Is there any word from the devs if its in consideration? Its been asked for for years by the community.

If you want to grind heli, just play realistic or sim ground battles.
That’s the true helicopter gamemode, where you are forced to learn and improve in order to achieve something.

Adding helicopters in air EC just to play it like a PVE but with better rewards sounds like a skill issue to me.
How about learning how to play it properly against SPAA controlled by real players instead of endless farming bots?

takes out ocelot with missle .5 km out of the stinger lock on range

“Skill issue”

There are alot of SPAAs that dont have the range to hit a heli thats 4km or more out. At that point the difference between the two is the target its pretty much none.

Plus these arguments can be applied to attack aircraft just the same, yet attack aircraft have a place in sim EC.

Ozelot is small and fast, it’s very easy to close the 0.5 gap.

Not without exposing yourself to enemy ground units. Plus theres an issue with helis sitting behind your teams ground spawn. Hard to move an extra .5 km when youre already at the back of the map.

I think it’d be fun, others think helicopters would dominate, I don’t think they would though.

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I’d be interested in trying it at least, no idea how well it would go either way.

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Ozelot can sneak around very easily.
You barely played Ozelot and never played helicopter in ground battles, how are you supposed to be qualified to talk about this?

Sounds like redditors crying about Sparrows not working correctly, just to find out it was skill issue.

The ocelot has a huge problem sneaking around. It has zero survivability and its at a BR where thermals are more pronounced making it really hard to hide. Its ground sim bracket is horrible, there are so many helis that just simply outrange it.


Attack aircraft in sim are arguable broken due to the way that they are tiered. The A-10C being at 11.3BR is ridiculous because of a combination of Aim-9M, HMD, and effectively unlimited flares is effectively the best plane to take for air to air combat at it’s BR.

Adding helicopters to sim is the same can of worms…but to an even greater extent. There are helicopters like the Z-10 that carry 16 TY-90 missiles that have both types of IRCCM that would function as effectively a mobile SAM site that cannot be countered by jet fighters. This would be especially true if it was placed at 10.7BR.

There is no variation of adding helicopters to EC where they wouldn’t either be an RP pinata or the most obnoxious and overpowered vehicle for the battle rating.

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