Helicopters in realistic ground battles, need advice for crewing

I am about to crew a second helicopter and basically wonder if would ever want to use both in the same battle?
If I am likely to use them both, I would use different crews. If not, I would assign them to the same crew to pick one according to BR.

How many choppers do you have in your lineup?

The BRs of the choppers are 8.7 and 11.7. I have never played choppers in realistic, so I really don’t have a clue. I would naively assume that their BR difference is too big to want them in the same lineup.

As crewing them is very expensive, I don’t want to do it twice.

Thanks for advice.

I very much highly doubt that you would want to use both in the same match. A 8.7 helicopter in 11.7 is going to get absolutely destroyed by anti air before it even gets close to being in range for its munitions. the only exception might be if you use it with unguided rockets flying fast and low but even then its a tossup.

But don’t take my word for it alone, see what others have to say as well :) several opinions are always better than a few ^^

At top tier I always use: at least 3 tanks, 1 or 2 SPAA’s, 1 fighter, 1 strike aircraft and 1 helicopter. Helicopter gameplay mostly depends on terrain, for example: I don’t bring helicopters on maps like Sands of Sinai, Fields of Poland etc. because there is almost no cover for you. On maps like this you can literally die in 15 seconds after spawning, so they’re practically useless when SPAA’s are present. This is why you shouldn’t take more than 1 in your lineup.

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Are you thinking of Tunisia? Because sands of Sinai actually has a lot of cover. On Tunisia you can literally get shot from the tank spawn as soon as you spawn your heli.

Yeah, always confuse them with each other.