Helicopter zoom control multiplier and camera issue

Hi. This issue is related to helicopters, I am unsure if it also extends into ground vehicles and aircraft.
The default zoom control means that the common keybind will toggle from min to max zoom with each press, and is what I have used for most of my time playing. This is fine for lower tier helicopters, however not so with optics up to 128x which can be much more than needed at times.
Changing the function of the mouse-wheel to zoom axis under helicopter controls somewhat solves this issue, however the zoom multiplier is far too low even at 100% value. I tried fixing this through the .blk file, and managed to resolve it once, however upon trying to adjust the file, it reverted to the original multiplier value, and I have been unable to replicate it as I did not duplicate the file before adjusting. It reverted to this value after I adjusted zoomSens, however given I cannot replicate it, I don’t know if this actually has any influence on the scroll wheel multiplier.
If another set of values is set to the zoom axis (in helicopter controls) the multiplier issue is resolved, however if I am to switch optics (such as from gunner to third person or pilot), the current zoom value remains in that camera. While at less than maximum zoom, the common bind for zoom can be used to extend the view to maximum. However, in the other direction it is limited to the current value of the zoom under helicopter controls, and cannot revert back to minimum. The helicopter control keybind must be used to reset the zoom value to minimum before the common bind can also extend back to it. Despite being on the same keybind, only with different inputs, this does not occur when the scroll-wheel is set to the helicopter control zoom axis, and the common bind will take priority over the helicopter one.
I would appreciate some advice on this, or to be told I am missing something obvious. I feel as though having to add a new keybind to reset the axis value will be quite clunky when it works fine under the scroll wheel. The easiest solution would simply be if i could increase the mouse wheel multiplier value.

I would also like to know if this is possible or ask the devs to offer much greater zoom multiplier setting for helicopter ATGM zoom. Thanks!