I wrote it wrong, what would be the future of Swedish helicopters since the Germans have the Tiger UHT and Sweden only has an Apache without radar and modules?
maybe an Mi-28 but I don’t think Sweden ever operated a Longbow
md500, uh60 or nh90? ah64d netherland
NH90 has potential, though entirely going off of Wikipedia rn. MD500 Sweden doesn’t operate the militarized version of, though Finland does. UH-60 I’d already mentioned, though Idk what the Swedes are packing in its A-G capabilities, and Netherlands AH-64D would require the Netherlands to be allocated to Sweden, which is already allocated to France as part of BeNeLux. They also operate the AH-64E, not the D just fyi.
_________________. I
Also what he said V
Without being blunt, that’s just because the other 9 countries we have ingame have better attack helicopters than Sweden irl. It was inevitable Sweden was going to end up with the weakest Heli tree as a result.
Snail has already pushed things by allowing them to have AHS / Mi28, export options that were only ever trialed but never procured or adopted.
Unless they give some more Subnation’s to Sweden then they’re already at their limit as far as top tier helicopters go.
Luxembourg h145m is good
Sadly that’s a part of BeNeLux, look within Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
Iceland lol
lol, why should that even be added to Sweden?
Attack helicopters ain’t a part of the nordic countries military doctrine, deal with it
True, the HKP3C’s missiles have 85m/s speed, the HKP2 is worse than the French and German Alouettes II (no MGs, probably heavier), HKP9A is somewhat OK, but in almost every aspect worse than middle BRed Cobras (F/E/S/Tzefa D/E), HKP9C (FC) is a joke with only four missiles. The AHS is nothing special. And of course the strongest Swedish helicopter is the premium Mi-28.
The Swedish helicopter tree will definitely continue to exist but I really hope it will get at least one serious addition in the future. Maybe a tech tree Mi-28.
Sweden doesnr even have mi 28s or apaches. The whole top tier of swedish helisnis fake and shouldnt exist.
That tree is dead for all sense and purposes
Unfortunatly there Is something like a single viable heli left to add, wich happen to be the danish Fennec (with 4 tow). Aside from that, the NH90 Is only armed with torps, the various NH500, the HKP15, HKP11 are unarmed, and we have yet to see the weapons of Swedish and Norwegian Sea hawks (wich could be up to a max of 4 hellfires). There could also be the HKP4 with depth charges, but that probably wont be much effective.
HKP4 had topedo’s and 3 bombs it could dropniirc correctly
Yeah, it could be something like a funny/meme event veichle.
Denmark and soon to be also Norway operate MH-60Rs which can mount 4 AGM-114 hellfires and 2 .50 cal door gunners.
Ground forces actually use an UH-60M, which is modifiable to the MH-60L DAP with the purchase of the kit.
Made a post about it I believe.
You should post this in the suggestion section.
Want excepted
i do believe that the Swedish Heli tree could be reinforced by the Finnish Mi-4 and Mi-8T aswell, and then the Hkp 15 (AW109) and the Hkp 6B (OH-58).