Not necessarily. The infantry models that are already in-game just kind of fall over when they’re shot. The animations for them being knocked are no different than the crew knock animations. The only difference is they aren’t in a vehicle. They have the least violent possible animations for being shot. Try it out with the test map with some of low rank US test flight maps. You’ll see what I mean. The rating would be just about the same.
![Screenshot 2024-01-21 201201](
![Screenshot 2024-01-21 201014](
They just fall forward or backwards.
If there are people on the ground you can run them over with a tank… Can’t really handwave away what is happening to them.
The game already doesn’t handwave you away from your tank crew getting shot in the face by HEAT rounds. It quite literally shows you with the X-rays. It kind of lets you know exactly what’s happening to them. They could also just make it impossible to run them over. Same way you can’t shoot down or fly into parachuting pilots.
You know there are games for this already right?
I have yet to find any other vehicular combat game that includes controllable helicopters, tanks, airplanes, and ships, from WW2 to modern day, where you indirectly support infantry. Most other games have only one of each and have nothing to do with infantry.
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Old thread, same topic, strong in favor, couple of thoughts.
“Go play Enlisted”–doesn’t do it for me unfortunately.
- Give infantry carriers (APC/IFV/Helis) additional options for capping points
- Tight UI (read as: small number of hotkeys)
- Minimal balance impact (read as: infantry are not a lethal threat at any significant range)
- Continue the construction of flavor town
Player control:
- Player controlled infantry only spawns in carriers, no playing as just the dudes.
- Squads, not individuals, none of that fireteam mumbo jumbo.
- Once a squad is dropped off, your interaction is limited to A. telling them to move somewhere B. instructing them to get back in the vehicle.[0]
Infantry Abilities:
- Target detection
- Can capture/contest points
- Carry anti-infantry and light anti-tank weapons. Anti-tank has mild damage, <300m effective range, limited ammo, moderate-to-poor accuracy. Tanks need to be close and unlucky to get their ticket punched, with component damage as the main threat.
Infantry Behavior:
- “Hits” on individual soldiers knock them unconscious. Reduce a squad to 2-3 members and it’s “destroyed”–those still conscious flee, you can still *knock them unconscious* (“it’s not a war crime guys trust me guys”) but don’t get any SL/RP/hit indicators.
- Infantry have barks/vocal auditory cues (a la engine noise) to keep the I-got-surprised-ganked-by-AI-and-I-don’t-like-it complaints (which are valid!) contained.
- Infantry take cover when cover is nearby and take a knee when stopped in the open. They go prone/crawl/bound when under fire.[1]
How it plays:
- Drop infantry on a point and bail to a safe(r) location. They can complete the cap while you avoid getting clapped.
- Park in a safe(r) spot a short distance from the point and send the joes forward (while you “cover them”) to cap the point.
- Variation on both of the above, but with “lock down point to prevent it from being capped” instead.
- In the instance of enemy infantry in the area, have your squad dismount and follow you around to suppress/slot the huns.
- For tanks who want nothing to do with carrying extra passengers, you’ll be shot at periodically with light anti-tank weapons. Driving blind into a tight area where infantry are lurking might get you killed or your engine knocked out. There will be audio (vocal) and visual (small arms fire) cues to tell you when infantry are nearby and coming for you.
- For defending a cap point from infantry–they’ll be extremely vulnerable to artillery, SPAA, machine guns, and all those HE shells which have been longing for purpose.
[0] These commands can be implemented individually (like binoculars) or have an infantry radio sub-menu (“dismount”/“load up”/“move to position”). A short cooldown to movement commands keeps potential weirdness at bay, and positional commands can be issued either from the worldview or tactical map, like calling artillery.
[1] It’s a stretch to say this is necessary, but without some kind of automatic pathfinding-to-cover infantry will inevitably spend most of their time standing out in the open and be useless for capping points.
Consider the above as the minimum viable mechanic.
Consider the following as moonshot fever dream feature bloat:
- Additional infantry commands–“hold fire”/“return fire”/“fire at will”, “move to the D point”, “attack target”, “follow me”, “follow target”, etc. etc.
- Sprinkle non-player-spawned infantry around the map so your guys have somebody to shoot at. Season AT effectiveness of non-player-spawned squads to taste.
- Allow carriers to claim non-player-spawned squads if the one they have gets destroyed.
- Player-spawned squad can spot for artillery modification (read as: range and accuracy are calculated from your position or the squad’s position, whichever is closer).
- Allow crew replenishment from loaded squad/infantry on map. Balance by increasing the untrained replenishment time by some multiplier and/or and making the temporary crew have zero skills.
- Pay extra SP to spawn squads with MANPADS/ATGM. MANPADS are pretty straight forward, but there’s some iffy UI/UX territory with regards to deployment and targeting of ground-to-ground if we assume detailed control of a squad will be limited.
- Non-player-spawned infantry have rudimentary AI for advancing or retreating on the map in accordance with the position of player-controlled tanks. Basic implementation: they’ll follow whatever friendly tank is furthest forward on their axis of advance. Slightly more advanced implementation: the same + will be pulled to cap/defend strategic points as well.
- Give currently inactive tank machine guns (bow guns, rear turret) AI control now that they have something to chew on.
- XP gain for infantry squad as either a one-liner skill or an additional crewman–additional crewman (sergeant?) won’t be averaged with the tanker relevant skills.
- Infantry squads under fire from other infantry squads have their AT accuracy/effectiveness degraded, to encourage protecting tanks with dismounts.
If you want this, play Enlisted
Are you trolling me my man? Is the bait dangling?
It’s unfortunate, but Enlisted doesn’t do it for me.
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Try the Battlefront series of games then - all-arms company-battalion sized games using “we go” - not as fast paced as WT or even Enlisted.
Okay, “Go play Steel Beasts”.
It’s cool mechanic in Battlefront (which I’ve enjoyed but didn’t stick to), but “play a game with groups of infantry and combined arms” isn’t the main motivation here. For better or for worse (ahem) there’s something singularly riveting about WT.
I ruminated on infantry in WT for a bit, found this thread, and posted my comment. Let’s dispense with the “play some other game” reply, discuss said comment on its merits, or dispense with the conversation entirely.
Yes, its the vehicles. The game is all about the vehicles. Adding dismounts will dilute that. There are already many games have combined arms.
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Infantry dilutes an infantry fighting vehicle like a cannonball dilutes a cannon.
And I mean come on, if I wanted to play a game “all about the vehicles” I’d play Gran Turismo. The vehicular bedrock leads naturally to many things about the game that I like, but it ain’t why I like it.
It does if you only care about/want to play tanks and not worry about getting squads of dismounts to go where you want and shoot in the right direction (ala Steel Beasts, ARMA, etc).
No it absolutely does not “lead” to that.
WT is principally a airplane game BTW.
No it absolutely does not “lead” to that.
I didn’t even say what I liked about the game, so how could you know it doesn’t lead to it?
WT is principally a airplane game BTW.
I get that we’re playing word games but you’re not helping your case here.
Did you forget what we are talking about here? lol
Do I need to parse this sentence for you?
For me it is the speed of the game - you get the “buzz” from a game that lasts anywhere from 5-25 minutes - HLL takes an hour, I played 1st series of Combat Mission for several years, but games too an hour or so… or PBEM gamers went over a few days.
I can’t see adding infantry functions as doing anything other than slowing the game down.
I can’t see adding infantry functions as doing anything other than slowing the game down.
Make 'em run fast?
Seriously I’d hard counter that you’d spend less sitting on points, more time sending infantry into potentially hazardous cap situations, with more and faster caps overall. If an infantry squad is locking down a point the game isn’t static, the team that squad belongs to is working towards winning the game.
Oddly enough I strongly agree with your overall point (the 20 minute buzz), but also like the speed in regard to the speed of tanks and how it makes it overall slower and more deliberate than other twitch shooters (that would be one of the things that the vehicular bedrock “leads to”, Exocetta). I feel like game length happens above all that.
But thank you sincerely for engaging with the substance of the discussion! You are a light in the darkness!