Hawker Hunter FGA.71, Chile's hunting eagle

Some other photos and information that I have been getting these days, the details and image of the Eclipse countermeasures system and a couple of photos of the Hawker Hunter FGA Mk.71 number 727 carrying the Shafrir II missiles:



Source: Jane’s avionics, 1997-98

Hawker Hunter FGA Mk.71 number 727:


This would be an amazing premium jet for Italy or just a tech tree for Italy right now it’s best rank 6 and 5 jets are a over tiered yak 23 and a good g91 but 8.7 is just a power creep so there’s never down tiers

wihtout that aa missile its not worth to be added

Why Italy?!?

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It’s still missing a good amount of Hungarian aircraft it would hold off Italy for a very long time at rank 6 also because Italy has a Latin American country as a premium but also I don’t really feel under powered in britian it feels pretty good

Well the AMX was a joint development of the Brazilian and Italian aircraft industry, that’s a completely different situation I find.

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The truth is that this Chilean Hawker Hunter would be perfect in Israel due to the issue of the Shafrir II missiles and the link between the 2 countries. Regarding the BR, this should be 9.7 since it has decent air-to-air missiles, quite a few countermeasures and even a RWR


Idk Israel feels too op currently I stomp almost everything most of the time in all my idf jets

I have seen a reasonable argument for Chile to become a sub-TT of Israel. So if that were to happen, then yes, it could. If not. Then the only reasonable placement is Britain as the Hawker Hunter was made by Britian.

We could do with a Hawker Hunter with CMs. Chile, Oman or Singapore variants are the only ones left with that capability I think. With Singapore likely becoming a sub-TT for Japan, the number of options left for Britain is going down.

But I would concur with your BR placement or at least it should be about equal to the Hunter F58. Which I could see going to 10.0, but for now is 9.7

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