I literally have the same problem, when I click try again it doesn’t log me in, it just puts me on the warthunder store website
ive have this problem for about 2 days and I have been logging into my MacBook with my PSN account but it just says wrong request try again; ive had this prob the last few updates too
I wrote to technical support, write also, the more people write about it, the better
submitted ticket yesterday but no response for me
i have the same problem idk why
I got in! So my advice to u is u don’t need any of that troubleshooting bs simply if u can if not i’m sorry go on a console and bind ur accounts then so u can simply login to the game via the normal login page. You’ll have to create a gaijin account and all that stuff
Wait how do you bind accounts?
Hello,I have try to log in to pay in my PC using an PS4 acount and it appears a white screen.
My PS4 was register usinng the gmail of my mother since i was a teen.
Could someone help me,please?
Problem solved 😃