Has there been any efforts to create an up-to-date map tactical write-up since 2022?


Recently there was a post by a player expressing they were struggling with Ground RB, citing being shot by tanks they could not even see. One thing that works for me and I’d advised them was to kind of “learn the maps” and predict where people will go so you know where to look.

I even wished to link them a map guide like I remember the old forums having, but could not find any that were up to date with all the map edits and changes and whatnot.

I am wondering if I am oblivious and missing something somewhere in plain sight, or such efforts have fallen off since the migration to the new forums?

What I’m talking about is posts like this:

And I admit, I personally would love such myself now that I am seeing BR 6.0+/7.0+ maps that I have zero experience with and find myself in useless positions or out of position due to lack of experience. Also sun city. I’ve absolutely no clue how to play that map in a way that works reliably with my lineups.

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