Has the XP-55 been nerfed?

It feels TERRIBLE to fly now. Refuses to go above 450~ in a straight line, looses speed rapidly at any angle above 5 degrees no matter the altitude, and the climb rate is slower than ever, often being beat by Yaks, P-47s, KI-44/43, Bf109’s and FW190’s.

This turd has almost a 30 second turn time and a climb rate of 22m/s. Im almost certain this aircraft was around 25-26m/s with a turn rate of 27 seconds. At this point, the aircraft is unplayable considering uptiers are 90% of matches and it often faces 4.0-5.0 vehicles that reach 4,000-5,000m before you can even breach 3,800m.

I think its time this aircraft be moved down to 3.3 where it is competitive, especially since it costs nearly 4,000 GE. As it stands this aircraft is a lemon, and an ugly one at that. This was once my favorite aircraft and now its nothing but a frustration to play.


This planes doesn’t cost 4000 GE

It does buddy, it costs 3900 GE.


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Oh I was thinking of the XP 50 sry mate

Brother what?!?! I actually choked on food reading that 💀

Anyways, continuing on with a more respectful mind, I haven’t seen anything about it officially, so it’s flight model might have been changed secretly. I’ll check it out later and see. If it has been changed I’ll definitely be able to find feel it, it’s got to be one of my most favorite aircraft in game.


Oh no, my premium aircraft doesn’t win every dogfight and isn’t busted asl anymore!


Was XP-55 as busted as XP-50 tho? I don’t remember dying to one in a very long time lol

The XP-55 had one thing going for it even when it was really good at like 3.7 and that’s the fact that it can reach speeds up to 900kph in a dive. But where it sits now it’s impossible to get above most enemies as everything out climbs you so currently it’s just really bad and over br’ed. Don’t think they actually really nerfed it though (other than moving it up to a br where it can’t do much other than hope to win a head on)

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No, as long as I’ve personally played it I’ve never felt it was “busted” especially compared to XP-50. But it is pretty damn good, especially in the hands of a capable and competent pilot.

It’s a lot less used because it’s overshadowed by its cousin the XP-50. But between the two, I’d personally take the XP-55

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This is true. I’ve been in matches before and have people compare it to just a worse 109 almost. But I personally think it’s just as good as a 109 if not better in some regards, that being not climb rate.

I don’t think it’s either of those. It’s a really good aircraft but just needs to be played in a very specific play style. It’s almost like mix of how you should play American planes and 109’s. It can do both but you’ll excel if you play it as a mix. It can turn well and it can BnZ well.

Try to avoid headons… It’s elevators are in the nose and are very easy to get knocked off, and even just a little bit of damage almost anywhere on the aircraft will turn it into an unstable brick

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In a turn fight yes, absolutely, but the XP-50 is at a advantage at higher altitude and usually just take down bombers constantly.

the US has fallen!

XP-55 is a goddamn gunboat, can dive at 850 IAS like it’s nothing, high speed turns like crazy, generally the turning performance is excellent.
The speed is lacking, but I have no issues. I like it so far, though it takes some getting used to.
This is essentialy G.55 S0 only better armed and better turning.

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It was never “busted” it was competitive with Bf-109s, FW190, Ki-43/44, P-47s and Yaks.

This aircraft, sits at 4.3 in RB, and no longer gets its air spawn. It gets BODIED by Ki’s and Bf-109s as they are often 1200-2000m above you, UNLESS you WEP straight up the entire time. The issue with this is now you are at a HUGE speed disadvantage, often clocking in at 230-340km while the enemies are the same height and double your speed. Not only are you now at a speed disadvantage, but you now turn like a freight carrier as you need to be above 500 km/h to unlock its full turn rate.

At the very least I think they aircraft should be position at 4.0 max for RB, preferably 3.7 and 3.3 in arcade but I can understand the 3.7 BR. In a full downtier it can carry very hard, so placing it at 3.3 which then can be brought into 3.0 in arcade, resulting in seeing 2.0 aircraft could be an issue.

Thats why I think having BR’s increase by increments of .3 could be advantageous, so you could have (3.0 - 3.3 - 3.6 - 3.9 - 4.0) instead of (3.0 - 3.3 - 3.7 - 4.0) this would allow aircraft on the lower ends of the BR spectrum to have slightly more breathing room without compromising wait times while also matching more BR appropriate vehicles together, meaning max uptiers would be much more manageable. But thats a whole other topic

3.7? XP-55?
Git gud, seriously, this thing eats Bf 109s for breakfast and is still faster and better armed than any Ki-61, and outdives Ki-61 by a ridiculous amount.
It’s an extremely good plane at 4.3 unless it literally received a nerf last few weeks.

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I can confirm it has not. Just did 5 matches with it, seems normal as ever. I’ll make a more detailed report later

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This thing can slap most enemy planes from.1800m away im a head-on. Against Spitfires and anything with German armanent - it’s very viable in a head-on. Nowadays you are dead from 1 20mm shot in any plane, so this whole fragility argument no longer applies.

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That’s so true, but it doesn’t mean everyone can do it, especially on the regular, so that why I tend t advise against it, but you definitely right about that.

Yeah, I mean it can hold its own against most things in a head-on.

I wouldn’t say this 100% of the time, but you’re not wrong about how powerful 20mm shells are. This plane specifically is fragile though. And I’m not saying it’ll fall apart for a dozen .50cal hits, but it’ll turn into a brick from that. And it will fall apart from 1 or 2 20mm shells.

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Okay, so after playing it in half a dozen matches, this is what I’ve found…

It’s still the same it has been for the last 6 months

Here’s my in-depth review-

Climb rate is mediocre. But that’s never not been known. I was able to get on the same altitude if not higher than most if not all of the “real” threats (not counting bombers, although I was able to get within zoom climb range of them). And it can climb above 5 degrees very easily…

The guns are as potent as ever. The US 20mm cannons have got to be my favorite cannons in the game. There’s not much to say about them… They’re fast firing and pretty high velocity.

The flight model is the same. The only difference I can even remotely feel/see is a wings spar that pokes the right wing with pulling hard over 350km/h. It’s can turn with most anything short of a spitfire or any Japanese aircraft. I was able to hang with a yak-3 earlier today so there’s no doubt that it can’t hold it’s own against that either. It can still dogfight at high and low speeds.

Now for my advice…

  • You have good guns, even though they are 2 different calibers they have similar velocities, both very high. So don’t worry about taking super big leads on targets.

  • Stay in the vertical. Horizontal turns and movements aren’t necessary bad, but if you try to keep them vertical it’ll turn out much better

  • Abuse your stall speed and dive speed. You can out stall most aircraft if you have alt on them and even if you can’t you can always kick over and out dive them. You don’t really compress until about 800km/h so you don’t have to worry about that.

  • Have patience. Choose your battles carefully. Don’t rush into big furballs and don’t get tunnel vision. If someone tries jumping on you, just extend away. This aircraft has good acceleration and flat line speed and this will get it out of most situations. If the enemy is closing on you, wait for them to get close then force an overshoot and pull a reversal.

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Yeah it can pull amazing reversals. US teams at 4.3-6.0 range are absolutely dogpoop, but god damn, this plane has a lot of aces up its sleeve.
But I can agree - wing damage usually makes its flight performance damn bad, although recently I scored a crit and 2.“hits” with Wyvern’s quad 20mm and guy stayed around for a bit before rtb and repairing and I was plenty surprised he was able to shrug this damage off. I guess I just landed some SAPI/APT :)