I am quite surprised that even though we got all those buffs to Harriers from the recent dev update
We still failed to reach the full potential of Harrier IRL
Harriers are still considered as underpowered on FM, drastically.

more than four years since the First harriers were introduced for first time.
Oh god its worse then currently.
Balanced tho right? Gotta love the balance
1 step forward, 2 steps back. Now you can kind of use the harrier to fight people, but good luck when someone decides to fight you!
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Its hopeless and the T.10 will be the worst premium in the game.
Expensive, purchass only, Ugly looking, worse performing and historically inaccurate
Sounds gaijin enough
At least, we have more missiles than AMX A-1A
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Yes Ugly, heavy, slow, worse weapons less CM same br.
They tried to Buff the Harrier got it wrong still and actually nerfed them in the process.
They don’t even sustain close to the G in the E-M diagram.
How long till T.10 is removed from the store and sold as a GE vehicle
Not sure they should make it an event vehicle I think its a stupid addition personally.
It looks stupid.
less than 6 months.
Lightning F.53 stood for six months.
Harrier T.10 can’t hold longer than that.
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I completely forgot about another important aircraft to mention when considering the T.10s CM count which is the AV-8S (Late) which currently carries 240 CMs at 11.0, which is more than the AV-8B(NA) and simutaneously being a lower BR. Which further adds fuel to the fire regarding Gaijin’s poor decision making in this regard
(i’ve added it to the original post)
they know us brits (and the teaboos) may well still buy it and somehow make it competitive still even when its intentionally gimped
I mean its a proper flex that we make such things work in that state
Yeah… They know us well. too well…
Harrier T.10 looks too cool but also so bad on specs
so my mind is going to go wonky.
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Agreed. I want the fat headed harrier but I will not buy it until its on sale and has BOL
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I am forcing myself not to even think about it until i actually do a good few matches in the FRS1 and maybe the Gr7 with the changes before deciding whether I want to waste the money on something so artificially nerfed or not, but knowing that soviet mains at 11.3 arent the brightest sparks and I would probably do well in the T.10 even if it had no CMs… It is still tempting
stay low in uptiers and avoid the initial R24R spam. climp offset over the battlefeild and launch 4 aim9L at enemies that havent engaged anyone around 4km away. 4 kills each match. repeat, get the vehicle moved up to 12.0
Use climbing Hook tactics.