We have to look at the positives they buffed the barriers man.
Not to the extent they should have been
Nor did they actually take the time to model what they buffed properly.
I am very excited about the HUDs thought
We have to look at the positives they buffed the barriers man.
Not to the extent they should have been
Nor did they actually take the time to model what they buffed properly.
I am very excited about the HUDs thought
yeah i guess thats a great thing. looking forward to taking the GR.3 out
and ofc, we do HAVE a T harrier ingame now. probably still gonna buy it because i love getting shafted so much. But itll be the most fun when you outdogfight someone in the FAT HARRIER which had to be gimped
Yeah I am still a Shar suprematism and will keep fighting until I have every ounce of its IrL performance.
We need to work on the extra chaff placed in the airbrake at some point :P
the more i think about it, the less i actual get engaged enough in the harriers to need countermesures. with the GR.7 its nice to not have to worry about, with the AV8B most of it is chaff usage anyway.
we shall see, cant wait to take 3 aim9L and be “happy” (A7K all over again my god)
itll get moved up to the F15A (cant touch the SHAR)
Would be funny.
Just need a whole 1G extra STR
Flaps that don’t bleed all your airspeed the second you use them
And less heat.
Don’t think so lol. But still in sim I don’t think I would have much issue beating it low level.
If it gets fixed.
If the F-15 extends away I sling sidewinder
If he stays to fight he just bleeds his speed to my optimal flight regime and my stupid twr makes his wing loading pointless
With HMD for AIM-9’s
So UK gets another “meh” premium, not even a copy-past of existing vehicle, but straight up worse.
Yeah… Easily one of the weakest 11.3 aircraft in game when it arrives I think
Its closest premium counterpart is the Harrier 2 NA in the American tree at 11.3 that has 180 countermeasures, it should at least get the closest total CMs from BOL pods to that as possible, to 2 bol pods minimum
the aden 25mms are also far worse than the GAU 12 gatling gun so it probably ought to be lower due to a worse armament
I dont have issue with the gun, 25mm ADENs are actually very good, but its the difference in engine, A2G payload for ASB and CM count that just put the AV-8B(NA) so far ahead of the T10 and its impossible to justify them being the same BR
Why did Britain need an 11.3 premium anyways?
Britain lacked any sort of CAS premium like the A-10A, Su-39, AV-8B(NA), AMX A-1A ,etc. So it fills that role well. But it was also hoped to get a decent Harrier II airframe at the lower BR because the GR7 at 12.3/12.7 is a rather niche aircraft and a bit of a slog in gamemodes like ASB. The lower BR makes it more viable for CAS in ASB, but in such a weak state. Its hardly worth it
I see. So the desire was a high tier CAS premium.
In part. I dont see much reason to use it over the GR1 in an 11.7 lien-up, but nice to have none-the-less, especially if you dont have the air tree grinded
they are pretty good, would really appreciate a belt with tracer for dogfights though.
10 paveway 2 vs 6 paveway 2 isn’t fair at all
Its more the 10x GPS guided bombs vs the currently none, on the Gr7/T-10 that I find most annoying from a battlefield attack PoV
The atlas cheetah would have been far better
Laser guided bombs and the lot with ata ability and cm
Decent radar
To be 100% fair, the Harrier GR1 is flareless at 9.7 and the F-4JUNK is noticeably worse compared to the American F-4S. A refresh is due for British top tier premiums, something that can actually drive sales, which this likely won’t be.