Poor anticheat

That’s just bad anticheat/rendering. It should be common knowledge that tanks disappear when you don’t look at them, but gaijin can’t figure out exactly when they should disappear.

I don’t trust many people that claim WT is overrun with cheaters since I’m sure basically everyone here has been called a hacker because they did good.



I say it often because many of them are actually on wifi, and think it to be solid and actually constant, of which it isn’t as most of thier testing is whether or not they can browse, or play other games, which don’t use the same methods as this game.

That’s assuming a lot.

It’s actually said as a genuine first step in diagnosing any trouble compared to assuming it’s the game as a fair amount of people do here to keep up with their whinge and rant about how bad the game is.

The other part of what I said also hinted to thier connection overall, not just their wifi… But thanks for trying to poke a hole in what I said, making out that ‘everybody’ said it, because it was just me…

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Mate, listen:

I’m not going to be baited. I appreciate the fact you strongly dislike me over the past. That is fine. But please let go of this notion that you’re going to get a rise from me. It’s not going to happen. In genuine good faith I suggest you move on from it; it’s only a waste of time that you can and have spent better.

Also, general reminder adjectives describe nouns ;)

No need to reply. Because you won’t. That way, you can continue to act this way under the false premise that you never read this. Even though you have.

  • As was published much times before all the important calculations happens on remote cloud machines, so we can’t suffer in W.T. as hard as it takes in other online games which uses user’s CPU’s for calculations directly and just then transfers data to servers. It makes impossible to increase damage or teleport or other stuff like that.
  • But it still possible to use hidden from player info (such as real locations of the enemies all time) or make a bot which could aim well.
    I mean you have to learn how to find a cheater. Watch server replay (make sure you watching his true view, push “2” button on interface above) and if you’ll find someone who can shoot and kill as well from brushes and trees when he actually haven’t see you, or if for air battles, if someone, directly knows where you are when he actually haven’t see you because you aren’t marked or you’re in a tough cloud, but cheater still fights even if you aren’t marked, also on server replay you can see continuous aim with incredibly fast and accurate moving then you were “lucky” you’ve caught true W.T. cheater, report him using server’s replay web page. Make sure you caught true cheater and do this dude, please. Keep our game fair.
    some official info #1

I dont and have never trusted accusations of cheats in any game, ever since playing world of tanks at the top level back around 2016-2018ish, with myself being accused of being a cheater (along with most of my friends and clan mates) at least once in almost every single session I played.

It really opened my eyes to the true nature of most cheat accusations, and ever since have taken cheat complaints with an entire truckload of salt. I have also occasionally gotten DMs in war thunder from people accusing me of cheating. Obviously I have never cheated in either game.

People dont know the difference between skilled play, and cheats. Especially people who are much more… “Casual” in their skill level. They dont know what they dont know, so when they see something they dont understand the immediate reaction is “cheats!” Even when it literally isnt, its usually just a skilled player, or sometimes luck, or sometimes you just got gaijined.

Personally in the last 6 months, I have only ever seen gameplay from someone that I could confidently say “yep hes cheating” ONCE. Maybe twice. Thats it. Sure there are plenty of shots where I think “thats weird, how did he see me?” But also I remember how often I myself see someone or make a super lucky/sketchy shot that somehow pays off, which probably also looks super suspicious on the enemy screen, and thus dont really think much of it unless I see that player doing the same thing consistently. And 99.9% of the time, I dont. Because it was just a lucky fluke as people get sometimes.

I do not believe for a second anyone who says they run into cheaters constantly. Flat out no. Yes they exist, yes Ive almost definitely been killed by them and not noticed because it was an otherwise perfectly legitimate shot. Yes they should be banned, no its not a rampant issue that some people keep complaining about.

To be fair, Im on a gigabit fibre, hardwired connection to my PC running a 2.5gbE ethernet adapter, and gaijin still decides to randomly give me 50%+ packet loss for a few minutes at a time sometomes, for no reason, because gaijins server hamsters havent been fed or something.

No I dont believe its hackers interfering with my connection. That sort of thing is so absurdly unlikely.

I play from New Zealand so 200ms ping is the best I can get, I usually just assume something has gone wrong with the routing to the US based server and its having a bit of a moment.


im not talking about people doing overly well either im talking about they actually play bad hit poor spots but find you without ever being sighted or spotted by nothing not even drones

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im not on wifi never have connection issues on any other game and it doesnt even kick me from server just the game and acts like i left

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yep thats what im talking about


They could have seen you previously, scouted you, someone marked you on a map, and other stuff

nope not a chance i know what scouted is like as 90 percent of the time you get arty put on you but in these occasions no arty and start of game large city and they drive through and know exactly where you are one today even chased my through smoke after i fled even there would be no way he could see where he was going


Because people have no idea how things work? And that whole hardwiring thing is a moot point these days, maybe in the past when wifi was fresh and new that made sense but these days? Heck, my wifi connection between laptop and router is faster than my internet connection, and those 200 microseconds of extra latency that may be involved doesn’t hurt me either. Only time I’ve had connection issues is if my fiber connection went kaka, never had issues with the wifi…

‘Mate’ nothing…

You’re not being fair though, much the same as Rikers want to make a point about anything I say for the mere fact that I say anything, in the slightest, and they don’t like that…

The internet is a series of connections, and those all come through routes and various methods, and whilst transport is one aspect of the situation, there are still other areas that can factor in.

And whilst I throw out the transport in the first instance, it’s commonly a first step, and any backlash from me merely saying that, or making out that I’m some asshole for doing it like Riker wants to put out, makes the situation that diagnosing the issue isn’t a thing, we’ll just assume that it’s all on Gaijin to fix, when it quite easily may not be the reason for the issue.

I too play from here, and am also on gigabit fibre, you have to also bare in mind you have 2 sections of US server, and that also has routing through mid-USA. But many here don’t even just have one server selected, and that’s also another diagnosis question.

YEAH I’VE HAD PEOPLE SHOOT ME THROUGH 2 DIFFERENT SCREENs of smoke and a smoke shell afteir reversed an turned off my engine, tbh i dont care about this game and dont even try to win anymore.

When that happens, alt-ctrl-del and taskkill the game, fire it up again, and you MAY end up rejoining it…

i do often

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Does it work in the sense that I mention it?

I know I used it a fair while back when I’d randomly have a dropped match.

The only time i have ever encountered mass tos-breaking gameplay every game was during the peak of the bot spam in air rb.

I dont recall the last time i have encounter anyone doing stuff like wall hacks or aim bot.

Dont know how people are supposedly getting this every game.

well that sounds like a load of bollocks, I have literally never, ever seen that happen.

I do that al the time, and have it done to me. Its not that hard to guess where someone is in smoke, engine off or not. If you fire, you can usually see the shadow from the muzzle flash. If you spam your MG, its super easy to follow the tracers. Heck I often just spray my own MG into enemy smoke until I see the hit cam pop up and then fire the main gun at them.

This is just more cases where people don’t actually know what they don’t know, and thus don’t understand what they are looking at.

you can discuss this matter here:

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