The amount of kill missed because of this cannon low velocity is insane. the amount of rounds put into this gun is also horrifyingly small compared to even 30mm gun like DEFA or ADEN, and it feels like it shouldn’t even be put in a WW2 prop plane. Did soviet corruption shenanigans happened during the creation of this weapon? or did the soviet just didn’t have it in them to create good aircraft weapon? I swear the GSh-30-1 is a better weapon than this pile of junk metal.
im sure its more of a air to ground weapon. and soviet doctrine has always been “few ammonition, big damage, small bursts, big effect”. you are not supposed to spray and pray, you are supposed to hit once and end the dogfight right then and there. if you are more interested in doctrines that goes “more weapon but weak, spray and pray” then i can suggest the british or american tech trees.
They don’t call it the squirt gun for nothing… as shit as it is, at least its one redeeming factor is that if it does hit, it hits like a truck. I do greatly prefer ADEN/DEFA over it, and the American 20mm (M61, M39, Colts) are especially vastly superior.
It’s more a symptom of war thunder being a different scenario than real life. The GSH-23 was mostly mounted on MiG-21s and 23s, which were intended to intercept incoming enemy bombers. A slow muzzle velocity matters less when you’re aiming at a big target flying in a straight line. (Also, unlike war thunder, planes cannot pull 9Gs in a dogfight with ease, so lining up shots would be much easier).
Gunsight on the MiG-21 didn’t work over 3G, so you wouldn’t even get that far!
I’ve been playing MiG-23 for the event and I honestly don’t find it that bad. As long as you keep your bursts to strictly when you know your shots good, it has enough ammo. I do prefer the other lower firerate revolvers on NATO aircraft but it works plenty well.