Grumman F-14D Super Tomcat - End of a Legendary Era

Does anybody know about F-110-GE-429 integration for Service Tomcats?

They were supposed to be an upgrade in the ST21 Program. Along with better supercruise, the engines would be thrust vectoring:

Giving the Tomcat unrivaled performance in a dogfight.

Installed thrust can be estimated to be around 32-33,000 pounds of thrust, given that the regular thrust was going to be 30,000). We know this because the uninstalled thrust of the current F-14B engines saw a boost of around 2000 pounds (from ~28,000 to 30,200). Further upgrades to the IPE/EPE would see this number rise.

This would easily bump the TWR of the ST21 to a very respectable ~1.6. With thrust vectoring though, the performance would be astounding, as that’s on par with the F-22’s TWR.

The ST21 overall would be unrivaled. It would be an F-15EX with the flight performance just shy of the F-22, all while being on a carrier deck.


maybe once gaijin runs out of prototypes, and in service aircraft, they’ll start putting the concepts in game

Yeah. That would be nice. Especially with current planes being completely classified, I’d rather them have these concepts added the the game over a neutered 5th gen jet.

indeed true, concepts have much more available information than aircraft still in use today and which are more or less heavily classified

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Don’t forget the f14D also got a airborne self-protection jammer (ASPJ, infrared search and track (irst ), itids link 16, the F-14D Tomcat variant did receive enlarged wing area compared to earlier F-14 models,ECA is placed in the position of the LAU-93 missile launcher/bomb rack and can carry an extra pack of chaff and flare decoys, new ALE-
47 Airborne Countermeasures Dispenser System… datalinked radar and radar can track up to 24 targets simultaneously


Bro. You trolling or?

If that was a thing how they implement it? Just make missles not track as well?

It was the AN/ALQ-165 Airborne Self Protection Jammer (ASPJ) was designed to accomplish threat sorting, threat identification, and jamming management variety of air to air and surface to air RF threats. So mainly works on radar missile