Grumman F-14D Super Tomcat - End of a Legendary Era

+1 Can’t complain about more Tomcats. I think the F-14D would only be warranted in game if it brought AMRAAM capability to the Tomcat family IMO even if its a stretch, its the only thing that would truly set it apart from the other two F-14’s currently in-game


I see a Tomcat and I give it my immediate +1


Praying it comes with AMRAAMs! 🙏🙏🙏


I think F14D should in the F14B folder and after F14B should be a Super hornet. but the legacy hornet could be after AV8B line becuse it a real multirole aircraft.


Aim-120s just for the fun of it would be an interesting change of pace for the F-14s. Sure we’ll likely have an event F-14A someday with Aim-120As, but this as a later TT option would be really nice.


Well you cant have AMRAAMs but you can at least have the Aim-95 Agile (TVC)


Yes i really really really want this missile


TBH, I would like to see F-14s doesn’t get AMRAAMs.

Only need thing is buff AIM-54s as historical level.


About these. Are there any photographs or public proof that the F-14D Tomcat is compatible with AIM-7MH and AIM-7P? Let’s not use restricted documents here, please 🙏

I will update the A2A configuration section as someone has it.

As cool as the missile is however, wasn’t the project canceled in 1975, too early for the F-14D?

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I just guess Air-to-Air configuration only

Which one was used in the hit film Hot Shots?

Uhh, were you talking about that Top Gun parody in 1991? Folland Gnats were only used in that parody film.

Only F-14As were used in Top Gun (1984) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022). No F-14Ds were used in the films.

I think the missile itself was made compatible and if the 14D was ever tested with the weird trial HMD thingy then viola! utilise it!

Plus dates dont really matter as long as the platform was compatible with Aim-9s and the missile existed at its time.
i mean… this is a missile compatible with the F-4, F-14, F-15 and even A-6 and A-7 lmao

I think its moderately likely to have AMRAAMs if its ever implemented



uploading for later


Imo F-14D should come with AIM-120B, VTAS and AIM-9M + obviously AIM-54C.


What would be the latest block of the Aim-9M you could expect to see it equipped with? From what I’ve read it can equip the Aim-9M-8 (we currently have the M-4 ingame).

I dont think Gaijin is willing to introduce late AIM-9M variants anytime soon so prob current M4

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Fingers crossed they start correctly labeling stuff and adding other variants (cough rename the Aim-9J/Ps and Namer 30 → Namer RCWS-30) since other very similar variants exist that go by pretty much the same names.

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To my understanding, these excerpts showed the computer system was capable of storing, launching, and communicating the AIM-120s via radar as if the computer was already 100% updated with this software modification for the AIM-120 integration, right?

So, the issue was that the Navy decided to update the F-14D’s computer system to give itself the ability to carry JDAMs as part of LANTIRN integration. Ultimately, that software update was pushed to the fleet F-14D in service, and the AIM-120 integration was thrown out of the window. It was deemed not worth the money to upgrade the entire fleet of F-14Ds with the newer missiles that would be retiring soon from the service anyway because, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, their role had shifted away from being the Cold War interceptor aircraft to being a counterinsurgency aircraft over the Middle East. Therefore, the Navy wanted to put their F-14Ds in use doing something other than the interceptor role during their last years instead of being a deadweight and doing nothing on the flight deck.

My conclusion. The F-14D IRL could not use the AIM-120s but could use the precise munitions due to the Navy’s decision influenced by the shifting geopolitics in the 1990s. The Navy could only choose one of the two options: AIM-120 or LANTIRN integration. However, we can argue that the F-14D in War Thunder should equip the AIM-120s because these options were planned and considered. With that document you shared, this should be sufficient to prove it is possible for the F-14D because the mission computer system and radar are both fully capable of firing and guiding the AIM-120s when it is chosen to be updated this way. All it takes is to update the software on the F-14D’s computer. Boom, you can launch and guide the AIM-120s, but this was decided not to be pursued by the Navy.

I agree with you, and I hope to see the F-14D come especially with the AIM-120 in War Thunder.

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I’d say that AIM-120 integration was successful irl at least software wise. Physical capability was proven to be possible but due to F-14 platform being phased out of service it was never fully done operationally.

That being said F-14D in WT should receive these missiles together with VTAS HMS to give it extra edge in FOX3 environment.