Ground vehicles families

Hello everyone.

What advantage does one vehicle have over another? What should you use in what situation?
Today we’re going to look together at the different families of land vehicles available in the game.

Follow the guide.

!! Detail !! that tutorial are a traduction with Deepl of my work in french section. Images are in french, copy/past form the original topic.

-1) Heavy tanks

Click Here: Heavy Tanks

Let’s start with a bang with the most iconic tanks in any tank game: the heavy tanks.
But behind that name lie a few subtleties.

A) Infantry support tanks
Mainly used by the British (with the Matilda and Churchills families), these tanks were fairly slow because their purpose was to keep pace with the infantry and accompany it. Although the gun was not very effective in anti-tank combat, which was not its primary use, they were often well armoured.

B) Interval blocking tanks
Heavy tanks also had a defensive role, blocking the gaps between fortifications and points of resistance at the front. They are more mobile than support tanks (with a few exceptions) so that they can move around the hottest sectors (the French B1, for example, or the German Tigres I and even… The Maus).

C) Breakthrough tanks
Finally, there are the breakthrough tanks. These are designed to break through the front lines and clear the ground of enemy fortifications and tanks before the exploitation tanks come into action (the US have them with the Jumbos, the German Tiger II is also in this offensive spirit and the IS tanks).

In War Thunder, the purpose of the heavy tanks will be to hold captured bases (not necessarily directly on the base) and to block the crossing points for opposing tanks, taking advantage of their heavy armour and powerful weapons to draw attention to them and take fire.

In-game capabilities and equipment:

  • Repairs (function in battle): Allows you to repair allied vehicles (speed x2).

-2) Medium tanks

Click Here: Medium tanks

Medium tanks are a compromise between protection, mobility and ease of deployment. While heavy tanks are very effective in their roles, they also require well-honed logistics to be effective (fuel consumption, crossing difficulties, etc.). To overcome these logistical problems, medium tanks were developed to replace infantry support tanks by reducing their mass (and therefore protection).
Although they suffer more losses than heavy tanks, modern industry is capable of producing many more than heavy tanks.

In War Thunder, medium tanks are more mobile, but still enjoy a degree of protection. The armament, often lighter, will nevertheless enable them to compete against powerful opponents (Heavy, TD…), especially if they are fired from the flanks. Their role will be to support the allied heavy tanks with harassing fire against those opposite, but also to protect the flanks and rear against opponents who want to bypass the blocking points. So remember to look to the sides often, especially in town.

In-game capabilities and equipment:

  • Repairs (in-battle function): Repair allied vehicles (speed x2).
  • Artillery (Module): Allows you to call up off-map artillery salvos. Available after each kill in AB (cumulative by 3) and unlimited with 1 minute reload in RB and SB.

-3) Light tanks

Click Here: Light Tanks

Lightly armoured and often lightly armed, they are nevertheless very fast. These tanks are dedicated to 2 major missions:
-Exploit a breakthrough in the enemy lines by driving into the depths of the enemy’s defences and taking the enemy’s front lines and rearguard from the rear.
-Reconnaissance: discreet and fast, these tanks are also assigned reconnaissance tasks to ensure the engagement of medium and heavy tanks later on.

In War Thunder, light tanks will play their basic role by being able to spot enemy vehicles using scouting (except in simu snif snif) and move around lines to flank enemy targets.
While the first light tanks had to get fairly close because of their poor armament, by the time the Cold War came around, these vehicles would gain significantly in firepower thanks to modern ammunition (HEATFS, APDS or APFSDS).

In-game capabilities and equipment:

  • Repairs (in-battle function): Repair allied vehicles (speed x3).
  • Artillery (Module): Allows you to call up off-map artillery salvos. Available after each kill in AB (cumulative by 3) and unlimited with 1 minute reload in RB and SB.
  • Active Scout (battle function) : Allows you to spot opponents and display them on the allies’ mini-map. If a vehicle spotted by you is destroyed, this grants you scouting assistance, which lowers the spawn cost of the next plane in your deck by 7% (or 14% with the “Air Strike” module). Not available in SB.
  • Air Strike (module): Reduces the spawn cost of planes in your deck by 14% in RB.
  • Improved Optics (module): Allows you to track more efficiently. Only useful in AB.

-4) Tank Destroyers (TD)

Click Here: Tank Hunters

Tank fighters are dedicated to anti-tank defence and are therefore often placed in ambush to fire at long range to take advantage of fairly effective armour from the front.
Tank fighters have no turret (except for the American TDs, as usual) and are derived from an existing chassis, giving them better frontal armour and, above all, a more powerful gun (for example, the Jagdpanther is equipped with an 88mm while the Panther only has a 75mm).
However, the lack of a turret is a major weakness for attackers: the vehicle is forced to move the body to aim the gun because of the weapon’s limited range. So if you immobilise a TD (by hitting the driver or breaking the engine or a track), it’s easy, and far less risky, to eliminate it by driving along its side.

In War Thunder, TDs will be used in three major roles, depending on the mobility (and armour) of the vehicle.

  • Heavily armoured TDs will provide immediate support to heavy tanks, taking advantage of their powerful guns and improved frontal armour.
  • Weakly-armoured TDs, on the other hand, should take advantage of their weapon’s good accuracy to stay in the background and fire at long range. Unlike lightly armoured tanks, don’t rely on armour to get you through, especially as, apart from the fairly light armour, these TDs often have no roof.

Hello plaaaanes :D

Finally, there are also light-armoured TDs that are above all fast (hem M18 hem). Equipped with lighter armament, they are designed to bypass enemy lines and fire into the flanks.
There are two categories of high-ranking TD (BR 8.0+):
-Wheeled TDs: while they are still as fast and as lightly armoured as the previous category, they swap their tracks for wheels. This improves on-road mobility and slightly reduces off-road performance. In addition, thanks to the arrow and HEATFS shells, they gain formidable firepower against all opponents.
-Missile TDs: Less mobile than wheeled vehicles, missile TDs have missiles instead of conventional armament. However, these missiles offer several advantages: ammunition guidance, effective ammunition against both light and heavy targets and, above all, long range (which means they can also be used against helicopters).

 !! Details !!! Artillery vehicles currently in play (Sturmpanzer II, AuF1, 2S3M...) are affiliated to the TD class.

Capacities and equipment in play:

  • Repairs (battle function): Repairs allied vehicles (speed x2).

Except in special cases, TDs have no additional equipment.
They are generally found on TDs with high-tier wheels or ultra-light TDs.

  • Artillery (module): Allows you to call up off-map artillery salvos. Available after each kill in AB (cumulative by 3) and unlimited with 1 minute reload in RB and SB.
  • Active Scout (battle function): Allows you to spot opponents and display them on your allies’ mini-map. If a vehicle spotted by you is destroyed, this grants you scouting assistance, which lowers the spawn cost of the next plane in your deck by 7% (or 14% with the “Air Strike” module). Not available in SB.
  • Air Strike (module): Reduces the spawn cost of planes in your deck by 14% in RB.
  • color=#F4A460]Improved Optics (module)[/color]: Allows for more effective scouting. Only useful in AB.

!!! WARNING!!! As mentioned, some vehicles in the TD class have additional equipment. To find out whether a vehicle has these functions, consult the vehicle modification sheet.

-5) Anti-Aircraft (AAA or DCA or SPAA)

Click Here: DCA

We won’t dwell on their role, as their name is sufficient in itself…
While the first AAs were equipped with machine guns or light cannons mounted on trucks or light chassis and virtually devoid of armour, AAs became more effective against aircraft with the increase in calibres (the most common being 37 and 40mm).
The main problem with AAs (apart from their obvious lack of protection) is the tendency for players not to use their vehicles in their intended role, and to simply go after tanks like a light tank using the armour-piercing shells available.

From 8.0 onwards, anti-aircraft guns get a formidable set of high-velocity 30mm to 35mm cannons and, above all, a fire radar that drastically increases their effectiveness against planes and helicopters.

Lastly, the latest anti-aircraft guns have surveillance AND fire-control radar, enabling them to monitor the skies while dealing with a threat. In addition, the arrival of anti-aircraft missiles considerably increases their effectiveness against mosquitoes.
While some anti-aircraft systems only use missiles, limiting their effectiveness at short range, some combine missiles AND guns on the same platform, offering formidable anti-aircraft effectiveness.

In-game capabilities and equipment:

  • Repairs (in-battle function): Repair allied vehicles (speed x2).
  • Artillery (Module): Allows you to call up off-map artillery salvos. Available after each kill in AB (cumulative by 3) and unlimited with 1 minute of reloading in RB and SB.

Equipment available on flak guns WITHOUT cannons (missile launchers only)

  • Active Scout (battle function) : Allows you to spot opponents and display them on the allies’ mini-map. If a vehicle spotted by you is destroyed, this grants you scouting assistance, which lowers the spawn cost of the next plane in your deck by 7% (or 14% with the “Air Strike” module). Not available in SB.
  • Air Strike (module): Reduces the spawn cost of planes in your deck by 14% in RB.
  • Improved Optics (module): Allows you to track more efficiently. Only useful in AB.

-6) Infantry fighting vehicles

Click Here: IFV

!!! WARNING !!! IFVs are affiliated with the Light Tank class and are displayed as such on the map.

IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) are combat vehicles equipped with automatic cannons to support dismounted troops and missiles to deal with armoured threats or buildings. They are often lightly armoured and fast.

IFVs arrive fairly late in the research trees. Their weapons consist of automatic cannons (30 to 40mm) and high-performance anti-tank missiles.
In addition, high-ranking IFVs are equipped with the latest night vision systems, laser rangefinders and Laser Warning Systems, Hunter-Killer functions and stabilised weapons. Some even have IRST systems for targeting helicopters or low-flying aircraft.

While their fragility meant that they were unlikely to play a role in War Thunder’s ferocious battles, their multiple capabilities enabled them to find their place in the game.

In-game capabilities and equipment:

  • Repairs (in-battle function): Repair allied vehicles (speed x3).
  • Artillery (Module): Allows you to call up off-map artillery salvos. Available after each kill in AB (cumulative by 3) and unlimited with 1 minute reload in RB and SB.
  • Recon Drones (Module): Allows a recon drone to be used in battle and place a marker on the map. Rank VII vehicle drones have a thermal camera.
  • color=#F4A460]Scout active (battle function)[/color]: Allows you to spot opponents and display them on the allies’ mini-map. If a vehicle spotted by you is destroyed, this grants you a scouting assist that lowers the spawn cost of the next plane in your deck by 7% (or 14% with the “Air Strike” module). Not available in SB.
  • Air Strike (module): Reduces the spawn cost of planes in your deck by 14% in RB.
  • Improved Optics (module): Allows you to track more efficiently. Only useful in AB.

-7) Main battle tanks (MBT)

Click Here: Main Battle Tank

!!! WARNING !!! MBTs are affiliated to the Medium Tank class and are displayed as such on the map.

Paradoxically, however, this last category is the one about which there is least to say. Whatever the doctrine of the country of origin, Main Battle Tanks have a design based on 3 elements:

  • Highly effective frontal armour.
  • A powerful engine to ensure good mobility.
  • A powerful gun (from 105 to 125 mm depending on the BR and the MBT nation) firing a formidable munition: the APFSDS (or Arrow Shell).

The only point to be made about them is that although the armour is very effective from the front, the distribution of the armour being concentrated on the front arc of the tank, this makes these vehicles particularly vulnerable from the flank, even against automatic guns of just 20mm (so let’s not talk about the very common 30mm IFV).

Most of these tanks have stabilised armament, IL or IR night vision equipment, laser rangefinders (or even Laser Warning Systems), secure ammunition racks (especially the Western ones) and the Hunter-Killer function.

In-game capabilities and equipment:

  • Repairs (in-battle function): Repair allied vehicles (speed x2).
  • Artillery (Module): Allows you to call up off-map artillery salvos. Available after each kill in AB (cumulative by 3) and unlimited with 1 minute reload in RB and SB.

This is the end of this presentation.

Don’t hesitate to leave your comments and ask your questions if this tutorial hasn’t answered them.

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