Ground radar search angle based on vehicle orientation

I have a question regarding the size of the search zone for ground radars. From my limited testing, the vertical search angle seem to be independent from the relative horizontal position of the vehicle compared to the true horizontal position (aka flat ground).

In the following figure i have sketched the search angle of the Tunguska (360x20deg) when it is situated on flat ground.



In the next figure i have sketched the situation where the vehicle is sat on an inclination in the terrain, and my interpretation of how the search angle reacts to the orientation of the vehicle.


Here is how it is in War Thunder:


In my mind, which have no experience with such things, it seems intuitive that the search angle should change with the change in orientation of the vehicle. Am i correct in my representation? Is it a correct representation of radar signals, and i am just unskilled? Or maybe it is a compromise for the sake of gameplay?

If anyone have any information or knowledge about the matter, feel free to post i below!

Best regards


ok, that explains a lot as of why my radar wont detect planes when im angled lol


Tip of the hill


Bottom of the hill

The beam is indeed influenced by the angle of the vehicle (another thing is that the radar beam starts in a set spot, it does not rotate with the turret.
It does elevate, but the changes are not visible.
And we dont talk about the search zones, they are out of this world.


Hey Magnus, great question!

There’s actually a setting called “constant elevation of antenna” but it looks like it’s just for aircraft at the moment. I think it’d make a lot of sense for SPAA to have the option to angle their radar dishes, especially on uneven terrain. it will keep the search angle more accurate. Your sketches of the Tunguska really highlight why this would be useful.

Maybe it’s a gameplay balance thing, but adding radar elevation control for SPAA could definitely make things more realistic and strategic!

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FYI, theres actually radar elevation control for the Tor-M1 already implemented. It really is useful!

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Not to mention the incapability of locking IRST in third person would be good thing with vehicles with Lock Radar modules.

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Hahah yeah, there are multiple variants of how many degrees it takes to make a circle!

Im not sure i understood this, is the radar search elevation based on the vehicle elevation above sea level (or ground level)?

I rammed the Tunguska up onto a rock in test drive, and it took quite a bit of an angle before the radar search elevation increased (on the HUD). So it isnt 1-1 between the attitude of the vehicle and the radar search elevation, but shouldnt it be?

It is possible on the Stormer HVM, but thats probably because its got an IRST Search. The Tunguska for example only have radar search, but both radar and IRST tracking. So i guess it might be correctly implemented?

If all vehicles with IRST tracking could lock on in third person, then also IFVs would get it.

It works
Give me a sec.

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Okay, so it was just that the radar searches up and down, and to the sides, within the radar search angles?

I guess i will have to use MS paint


It does work

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Most SPAA radars work like that: There is a single beam, size of the radar elevation, that does either a circle or a predetermined zone.

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I see. But that zone is determined from the ground horizontal 0, so when the Tunguska is on flat ground it searches through 0-20 degree vertical. However, when the Tunguska is situated on a 5 degree inclination, should it not search through 5-25 degree vertical?

Well, it seems it does, but the difference is barely noticeable. As can be seen on my picture where i threw myself off a cliff, it does.

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Ah, good to know! I didn’t realize the Tor already had that feature. That definitely shows it can be useful. Hopefully, they extend that functionality to more SPAA.

Is there tho? I cant find it. Unless you mean this

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Yeah that is what i meant. I understood it as if it was moving the search zone, but rather it incorporates a higher elevation. Thus it searches a larger zone, but at a lower rate.

But it does increase the vertical search angle, unless i am mixing up the terms?

Yes, it takes longer, but scans a bigger zone i elevation.

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