Gripen will get GBU39/b-s?

Jas 39C still misses ESTL(maw slave) and GBU39-s which make it a gripen C.


It’d be nice, but not convinced they’ll give 39s anything nice.

The C doesn’t have MAW system inherently but does have access to an external pod (ESTL as you mentioned) that does that.
My report on it is forwarded to the DEV’s already.

I’m quite sure they will give it some sort of jdam when the update goes live, it was mentioned in the DEV stream that “a few” versions of the gripen are planned get them. Not sure it will be specifically GBU-39 as those have a range that might be unfair for the game currently.

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Its missing its 5th pylon from the center for CAS also but thats been acknowledged since it was released

I think JAS39 Gripen C from sweden & italy (hungary) tech tree it’s basic version before MS20 standard and not mounted GBU-39 SDB

But swedish Gripen C armed GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II dual-mode GPS & Laser guided munition (while)

I got the answer from one of the Community managers here on the forum when the C version for Sweden came to the game that they are not going by any MS standard and are instead giving it upgrades based on balance criteria as well as game functionality.
I’ll see if i can find the post about it.

The first image there is the Gripen NG (the testbed for what became Gripen E) as seen by the tail graphic.
The second image is however a C version (tail number 208-294)