One of the american top tier jets needs to be buffed so that it can actually compete with the gripen in a dogfight
Currently the AoA limiter removal does not do very much for the Gripen except at very low speeds and barely even then, if they keep it as it was in DEV not much is going to change. If they do however make a bit more realistic then it might gain some more by having the button available. but i do not understand your logic as the US currently has the absolute best top tier jets in the game for air-to-air.
And the dev’s don’t “buff” or “nerf” flight performance without sources proving the vehicle can actually do it IRL. the only thing that they do in terms of buff/nerf for balance is ordinance and some technical upgrades.
Here is a video comparing the new AoA buttons effect on different aircraft:
The JAS39 goes from ~26 to ~29 deg AoA and cant pull above 30.
The F-15C goes from ~22 to 29-30 deg AoA and has moments where it can pull 35+.
If anything this new button will equalize US vs the Gripen. So honestly your complaint seems to be the opposite of what is happening (unless it’s changed before live deploying the update).
Have you ever considered, not dogfighting the Gripen then? If your mentality is stuck in dogfight go brrrr, go play the Zero or something. After all it has gone through, the Gripen doesn’t need what would be, like the 5th or 6th nerf to its maneuverability. And at the same time, by your own logic the Eurofighter, Rafael, and J-10 have been overdue then for such a nerf because can already do that and I haven’t seen anyone complain about the Gripen in its current state until now and only from you. There is already far worse in that regard, and you are the only one complaining about something that won’t change very much so if anything, this issue is only one which exist in your head, not in reality (in terms of the game).
US jets really focused on winning before the merge though… I’ve always heard it is basically considered a failure if you allow an enemy to merge with you…
Or in the case of the Gripen, they don’t buff it if there’s any way possible for the Yanks to complain about it. Even if we have the documentation to prove it is underperforming. But apparently a change that doesn’t do all too much for it is still enough for the yanks to sook on.
Lmfao no
The most true words in this thread, couldn’t have said it better.
Sure the 18C late is likely going to get spanked by the Gripen regardless (mostly due to the 18C late just being mid as fuck, but that is off topic), but the US still have the F-15C/E available which shouldn’t even need to get within dogfight range.
what if you actually used the strengths of your plane to win a fight against the gripen instead of putting yourself in the worst position possible (dogfighting it)?
Why do they need something to be able to dogfight?
Part of the air modes is knowing your own and the enemies’ strengths and weaknesses.
If you are inferior in a dogfight, don’t dogfight.
God I love US mains
You sound like the type of person who would turn with a spitfire or zero with a P-47 rather than playing to it’s strengths and then go complain that it’s unfair and they should buff it so it can
Then you will need to submit a bug report with sources confirming that US jets can out-dogfight a Gripen, Typhoon, Rafale, etc.
But as far as I am aware. The US doesnt operate a delta-Canard
*sad F-16XL noises *
I see no Canards!!! :P
But yeah, probably would take that to have something that can match the turn performance
uh right, i didnt saw the canard part, nvm
F-22 can do well in a dogfight but ofc we aren’t allowed that until at least December
Dawg, the Gryffon is the best 4.5 gen Dogfighter, arguably in the entire world. What would you expect? Sweden is known for like, two massive, no, three massive, no four massive things; meatballs, caramelldansen, pewdiepie, and world class fighter jets.
F-22 has thrust vectoring in short range, and even then every advantage it had is gone.
There is very good reason to believe F-22 has much better supersonic manueverability. But in between supersonic and low speed, Rafale beats the F-22
Didn’t the F-22 beat Rafales as well?
And anyways, I said the F-22 would do well in a dogfight, better than any current US jet in-game, which still holds true
Yeah, I think Raptor had six Rafael kills, btw I’m going to delete it I don’t want to start a war.