so I have recently got a rx 6600, which can run war thunder at movie settings, but the issue is, my gpu is at 50% usage and refuses to lock onto 100 fps when running movie settings, I have vsync on because my refresh rate is 100hz but it keeps circling onto 80-92 fps
how many frames do you get without Vsync?
Also vsync doesn’t force a set framerate, only forces one new frame of information to be sent at the end of one full scan of your monitor
maybe you are CPU-limited
40%-50% usage
Vsync basically halves your FPS by rendering two halves of your screen at thew same time. So if without Vsync you don’t have 200+ FPS then it wont lock to 100.
esp with CPU, you won’t have 100 % utilization, until you are CPU-limited.