Can you make a suggestion on the ability to designate targets using recon drones?
Sure! I’ve already created some illustrations for an upcoming suggestion about sharing target points with squad/teammates.
So one guy could designate with their drone and pass the target point to a teammate in an aircraft for instance.
Spice 2000?
It’s an IR though, which, isn’t technically a TV bomb.
You can also include the ability to use recon drone by the player himself. If a player spawns a recon drone while playing with tanks that recon drone should stay after his tank gets destroyed. When that guy spawns in a jet he should get the ability to use that drone when he reaches at a certain distance from the capture point(20 or 15km should be ideal).
This should reduce the dependency on teammates.
Pros of the Sat bombs
they won’t be drawn away by tank wrecks near the targets, where TV bombs can swap locks
much faster to ripple off at multiple targets
you also don’t need direct line of sight to drop, only LOS to mark the coordinates initially. After that you can drop below the treeline/ridgeline and lob the bombs over it
they can be used at night time
So, they have their benefits. I like taking both at the same time on the Su-24M.
I’m wait another variants included with F-15E (late production) in the future
- GBU-15(V)31/B
- GBU-15(V)32/B
- GBU-15(V)1C/B
- GBU-15(V)2C/B
- GBU-15(V)31A/B
- GBU-15(V)32A/B
- EGBU-15
Thank you bro o7
np :D
Soo. i was under the impression that TV-guided means that it also tracks the moving target by itself when i grinded out the MiG-27K and the Su-24M… Then I started to get a lot of “failures to track” with TV-guided bombs and missiles…
So my question is that in the case of these two jets, the "TV guided " means, TV lock but it does not track…kinda like a glorified GPS bomb, or am i missing something else ?
I was using the KH-29TE missiles with KAB-500Kr-E bombs.
Sometimes GBU-8 seems to hit moving targets, I guess TV guided bombs can hit moving targets in some special occasions.
Kh-29TD superiority
IRL I think some of the Soviet TV weapons can’t track moving targets, but this isn’t modelled in game. In fact all TV guidance is essentially the same and only differ in one way: tracking range. Generally earlier (usually lower zoom) TV weapons get around ~3km tracking range whilst improved models (usually higher zoom) get ~6km. From beyond these ranges, TV seekers can only lock the ground in “POINT” mode.
So most likely you just tried locking targets from way too far, pay attention to the seeker mode after acquiring lock. If it’s POINT then it locked onto the ground, if it’s in TRK mode, then it’s tracking a vehicle. TV bombs all share the same ~3km tracking range (with exception of KAB-50TV, used by the Orion drone), missiles usually have the ~6km tracking range (I think the only exception is the AGM-65A, and ‘copies’). Exact tracking distances vary with weather and the size of the target.
thank you
You are confusing the capture range of the homing television head and the launch range (guidance) of the missile…
I am not sure what you are getting at. If I understand correctly, you mean that the maximum launch ranges on these TV weapons is much higher? Because I did not dispute that at all, I only merely talked about the target tracking acquisition ranges, because the person I was replying to was talking about tracking targets.
Then in detail.
1.AGM-65A-electron beam vidicon with a centroid homing head.
2.AGM-65B-centroid guidance + optical correlation guidance.
3. TV-optical unit T-2 Tubus (USSR)-optical correlation guidance.
4. The range of the AGM-65B capture of a Bridge-type target from a high altitude in ideal conditions is 13 km…T-2 Tubus series homing heads-10 km…
5.Detailed description of the pilot’s actions when using the AGM-65A/B…Maverick AGM-65a (AGM-65b) | Ракетная техника
6.De facto, devices that have CCD/CMOS matrices in their composition belong to the class of electron-optical television imaging devices (TV/Photo / Movie cameras)…that is, these are television devices with a different type of useful signal processing…
7.AGM-65A is a television guidance system…
8.AGM-65B/H/K_T-2 Tubus is an electron-optical television guidance system…
ПЗС или КМОП матрица – “муки выбора”?
We know that the alternate Correlation tracking mode ( the use case was against for Ships, and large facilities) was only added with the AGM-65G / -F, not the -65B.
Also some real data for various targets has been transcribed below
The Contrast Seeker was effectively replaced in game with correlation tracking since tracking low / no contrast area targets is possible, which is not the case IRL due to how the algorithm works.
But this is apparently a game balance issue, even though all they would need to do, to correct things is invert a single Boolean value (“Can track ground”) and reduce lock of ranges by about a 75% or so