GPS guided bombs vs TV guided bombs

Can you make a suggestion on the ability to designate targets using recon drones?

Sure! I’ve already created some illustrations for an upcoming suggestion about sharing target points with squad/teammates.

So one guy could designate with their drone and pass the target point to a teammate in an aircraft for instance.

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Spice 2000?

It’s an IR though, which, isn’t technically a TV bomb.

You can also include the ability to use recon drone by the player himself. If a player spawns a recon drone while playing with tanks that recon drone should stay after his tank gets destroyed. When that guy spawns in a jet he should get the ability to use that drone when he reaches at a certain distance from the capture point(20 or 15km should be ideal).
This should reduce the dependency on teammates.

Pros of the Sat bombs

  • they won’t be drawn away by tank wrecks near the targets, where TV bombs can swap locks

  • much faster to ripple off at multiple targets

  • you also don’t need direct line of sight to drop, only LOS to mark the coordinates initially. After that you can drop below the treeline/ridgeline and lob the bombs over it

  • they can be used at night time

So, they have their benefits. I like taking both at the same time on the Su-24M.

I’m wait another variants included with F-15E (late production) in the future

  • GBU-15(V)31/B
  • GBU-15(V)32/B
  • GBU-15(V)1C/B
  • GBU-15(V)2C/B
  • GBU-15(V)31A/B
  • GBU-15(V)32A/B
  • EGBU-15


Thank you bro o7

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np :D

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Soo. i was under the impression that TV-guided means that it also tracks the moving target by itself when i grinded out the MiG-27K and the Su-24M… Then I started to get a lot of “failures to track” with TV-guided bombs and missiles…

So my question is that in the case of these two jets, the "TV guided " means, TV lock but it does not track…kinda like a glorified GPS bomb, or am i missing something else ?
I was using the KH-29TE missiles with KAB-500Kr-E bombs.

Sometimes GBU-8 seems to hit moving targets, I guess TV guided bombs can hit moving targets in some special occasions.

Kh-29TD superiority