Got Krampus Decal twice instead of one

As we all know the event will give player 5 decal for those who grind but since i got two krampus decal does that mean its normal or shall i never get the yule cat now? or is it normal because i didnt activate it?

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I believe it to be normal

I got Befana decal coupon twice as well. Annoying if we must trade it in marketplace for the missing one.

Same here, I got Gryla twice, now not sure how I get Yule one.


You are lucky. I never got the Krampus decal. The event is over and the decal is nowhere to be seen on the marketplace. Same story last year and the year before that. I get duplicates instead of what I need and the stuff I need to unlock everything in the collection never shows up on the marketplace. Snail: 3 Players: 0