Golden Eagles disappearing

So the past week or so I’ve noticed my golden eagles randomly disappear, at first I thought I was mistaken but I had over 400 left today, used 27 to finish researching a plane and played a few games. Next think I know I only have 2 golden eagles left! 😵‍💫 that makes me believe if I was losing them when I thought it would be a few thousand missing!

Anyone else notice this?

If I were you, I’d quickly just check the account security, and check the previously logged in IPs/locations to check.

Enable 2fa security (If you haven’t already), and I’d even try and see if the economics history could highlight whether it’s been a misclick or a mis-remember situation.

And if that’s not showing anything, I’d definitely hit up support via a ticket. Someone on that role would be able to show you more.

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How do I check previous ip logins and enable the security?

This is a good link from in that thread. Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On (Checks your logins)

And this is where you check your security settings Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On (The security settings)

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Hmm, it shows I’m the only one that has logged in.

If you used the Golden Eagles in-game, check the notifications page, under Economy tab I believe, there shows all your transactions using in-game currency.

It’s shows when I use them but not what the remaining balance is, hopefully I can put a ticket in and they will be able to tell.