Giving F-4C AIM-7E

This aircraft is in a sad state and is usually easily countered by most things at it’s BR range, especially if it’s unfortunate enough to get in an up-tier. Giving the F-4C AIM-7E will help push players going high altitude where the plane is most effective instead of trying to bomb bases where inevitably you become an easy target at low altitude. The AIM-7D’s are pretty antiquated since you need to be in a certain launch envelope to use them and they can be easily dodged since they are limited to 15G’s. Ironically I see the MiG-21S doing a better job with it’s R-3R’s that sit at 9.7 even if they are shorter range missiles. I believe this is a balanced solution since the plane doesn’t get any flares, it’s not that speedy except at it’s top speed which you hardly get to, it’s not maneuverable, it’s big, it’s hot, and overall it’s just a very mediocre plane. AIM-7E’s will definitely give it a boost in efficiency if the pilot plays it correctly.


Recently there was a heated discussion about the possibilities of reducing F4C br and balance
No one mentioned the possibility of giving it an AIM7E (which was used on the F4C and on the Navy F4B)
Good point, this would give the F4C some breathing room since decompression is a no no.

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AIM-7E is correct


Daily reminder for every one of such type of post:
Granting new payload for a certain jet means a increase in its BR, are you willing?
I think F4C currently at 10.0 is pretty okey and fun to play with.
Even if it’s going to get aim7E, it should be something like F4C (late), a separate vehicle.

Edit: I know Aim7E is not that much better but still

The F4C is a joke at this point with vastly superior options slinging all aspect heaters at the same BR, frankly it could get AIM-7Es and still get a BR reduction given how terrible it is when used for anything but ground pounding as of late.

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It depends on what player, F4C could easily be one of the best 10.0 out there for people that knows energy and radar well
Edit: and yeah I understand it could be really bad for other players who’s good at dogfight

My guy you are a mobile sun facing off against all aspect missiles with no countermeasures, energy wont save you from an AIM-9L or R-60M fired in the right parameters.

Then don’t let the enemy get those launch parameters. Su-25s and A-10s aren’t exactly quick or nimble…

You have to expose yourself to engage a target with actual countermeasures, you only have AIM-9Bs / Es which have terrible lock range compared to the R-60M or AIM-9L, and any competent SU-25 or A-10 will be low enough that your radar will have no ability to lock them up, or if they have even more of a brain they will have chaff which styles on the AIM-7D from even the head on aspect, leaving you only with your cannon, which, it should be self explanatory as to why in a 16v16 format using said cannon against walls of SU-25s is not going to go over well when you have little to no actual means of defending yourself when fired upon beyond maneuvers when your plane is a literal sun even at idle.

Reminder as well, that people who play other nations rave on the regular to no end that the A-10 and SU-25 are a scourge that are unbeatable and that the aircraft from their specific tree suffer profusely, usually ones with actual countermeasures, meanwhile the 4C and the F-105 both sit at 10.0 with no countermeasures beyond useless chaff pods on the F-105.

“Just don’t let them hit you bro”
Dude, what else are you going to do? Gaijin’s craptastic implementaton of radar makes it where you’re most of the time not going to have a good time scoring a lock. So you’re going to be forced to go into the furball, and an A-10 or Su-25 doesn’t need much effort to go “Oh! F-4C Lemme launch at that.”
People are aware of the lack of flares of the F-4C, and people dogpile anyone in that plane like how people Dogpile onto P-47 players.

At least let F-4C players have a consistent missile to use in the event they can somehow magically keep lock.


There are much better 10.0 options that actually can pull their weight comparatively like the F-8U, Mirage IIIC/5F, A-5C. Arguably there are some 9.7 and 9.3 jets that are very strong and can compete against the F-4C easily like the MiG-19, MiG-21S, and even the Shenyang F-5 can give it some trouble just because it has good energy retention. Missiles alone don’t really win fights below 10.0 and God forbid you get into a full up tier where the worst things you see are MiG-23’s and Viggens which outclass you in every metric. Suggesting to put it at 10.3 is ridiculous. The reasons I stated why the AIM-7E is a good balancer is because it’s still an antiquated missile with a learning curve yet it has just enough qualities to make it competitive at least at altitude. The radar can easily be fooled just by flying low.