Give the R-73 to the MiG-29A

Well that’s currently 13.0 [yes 13.0 is obviously compressed by the fact F-14B and F-16A-IM-9M are the same BR].

honestly really feel that the 12.7 Fulcrums should get R-73 back, plus why Su-25T and Su-39 that is on lower BR (11.7 ARB) has them but not MiG-29 that is 1 BR higher than them (yes I know they have 2 less missiles than MiG) and I heard those Frogfoots have them as of self defence (probably against Magic 2s idk)

Gaijin took into consideration that the R-73 is less capable when taken on an airframe that is slower and less agile than the MiG-29 and no HMD too. That was their reasoning at the time.

German MiG-29s don’t have historical loadouts, same with their MiG-21bis and MiG-23MLA.

Yes they do.
Mig-21s have their R-60s, and Bis has its R-60M.
MLA has its R-60Ms and R-24.
Mig-29A has its R-60Ms.
And Mig-29G has its R-73s.

They also have weapons they never used, so no they aren’t.

No they don’t.
R-27s were used on all Mig-29s.
And Mig-21 Bis’s best weapon is R-60M, it physically can’t have suspect weapons on it.

German MiG-29s never received R-27ER missiles


We’re not the German air force, we’re us.

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Like usual with this individual.

Then don’t move the goalposts just cause I never change my statements in a discussion.

Yes, it is known that I’m consistent and never do any fallacies.
Much like most of the WT playerbase.

Good idea, I think all F16A and F14B should get AIM9M as compensation.

If you want 9Ms use the F-16C.
I’m still waiting for Gaijin to add an F-16A Block 1/5 with only 9Js.

I am glad we are on the same page and I am also against adding AIM9M and R73 to all aircraft under 12.7. However, the F14A and F14B, which were recently upgraded to 12.7 and 13.0, should receive the same IR missiles as other aircraft of the same class.

F-14B already has AIM-9Ls for 13.0.
Other aircraft being under-BR’d is not a reason to remove the uniqueness of aircraft.

But all other 13.0 aircraft are using the R73 and AIM9M.

1- F-16A and Mig-29 are 12.7.
2- Those 13.0s are under-BR’d.

if they were over BR’d they’d have been moved up, instead of more vehicles like the Su-27 being moved down to that BR

The historically accurate loadout would be adding R-73s but removing the R-27ERs.

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