Give the gepard its real ammunition

So the gepard can carry FAPDS which is similar to apds but not the gepard CANT carry apds no sources to that dont know where gajin got it from since the wiki for the oerlikon shows it cant (see link below)
I would like for gajin (a company that claims warthunder is realistic) to add the FAPDS which has 100~mm pen at 0m no angle have a good day.


no ammo for 70sp

Wikipedia = / = source

In an academic setting you’d get your ass handed to you for even mentioning wikipedia. In this case, your suggestion will simply be not taken seriously at all.


Its a decent starting place to find sources, but not a source itself at all.


I don’t even know where to start here.

Firstly, that wiki page doesn’t mention the Gepard being unable to load APDS, because it’s blatantly untrue. The closest it comes is mentioning that 35mm ammo produced by the Norwegian producer Nammo was supplied to Ukraine, but found to not work with German Gepards without modification. There’s no mention as to if this is APDS or any other, and the source is an article from a random military blog with no sources listed.

Secondly, FAPDS is frangible armor piercing discarding sabot. The only difference between it and standard APDS is that the round fragments after penetration, making it a form of shrapnel shell. It has the exact same case dimensions as APDS, so if APDS cannot be loaded, neither would this.

There’s little reason to bother implementing it, being a marginally lower pen version of standard APDS that would also have to be limited to the 40 round belts for balance purposes, and there’d be little to no reason to bring it over standard APDS.

Better source on 35mm ammuntion types here.


And to 9.3 if goes

The 35mm oerilikon doesnt fire apds like in the link i send lol and it fires fapds so?

The link doesn’t mention that. Feel free to try and pull a direct quote to prove me wrong.

Gepards can fire FAPDS as an alternative, but it would be a downgrade in game over the standard APDS belts they get currently so there’s little reason to add it.

The reason they’re typically fielded with FAPDS is A) I suspect the ammo is cheaper due to using aluminum instead of tungsten for the penetrator and B) it’s more dual purpose, with the frangible nature leading to more dispersed damage against aircraft.

You could maybe argue for giving the Gepard 1A2 a FAPDS belt in it’s primary slot, but this would result in a sizable increase in BR