Give germany britain and italy the eurofighter!

Everything here is wrong lol.

Ima check up on that when i wake up again

If you have ever modelled an aircraft, then you would know how long it takes. This is also without any info to the vehicle added too, which just makes it longer.

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Wow, wait another couple of months so what? What’s the chance that the next update won’t give anything?

Why should players wait? Already a couple of patches without jets (meanwhile Su27, Su27cm, Gripens, F16C, F15A, F15C) and I’m already silent about CAS

There are other vehicles to play, other game modes, War Thunder has endless activities.

Thank you for reminding me that I have another tree of Italy and the USA , but is this a reason to completely forget about Germany?

Development takes time, so it’s not that they forgot, or don’t care; It’s purely that they are developing things.

I’ve been playing a lot of 6.7 Germany these last few months despite not researching anything with it.

I’m not saying that they forgot, you’re suggesting that I forget about Germany for a while because… there are other tech tree

For what? What if I grind Germany to play it and then forget about it later?

honestly i think best way to improve the F4F ice a bit is giving it better missiles since the aim9Ls are just dogwater now. with better missiles i mean the Aim9L/i or Iris-T, but since Iris-T would be to modern and to strong all i can hope for is an aim9L/i or just slap it down in br

Just 9L/i or 9M as place holder would be great
And it should use AIM-120B not A

120B is identical to 120A

The 9Li’s should be enough to put the phantom in a good place and maybe a BR of 12.3 would help but idk bout that

i know we all are annoyed about it that it will be dead on arrival (give it some time and a few players know how to handle it when update drops) but since its still dev server all we can do is hope that it gets either down in br or different missiles
i hope i will see the better side of the f4f ice when update goes live

MiG-29 (9.12A) “Fulcrum-A” export version with the avionics of the MiG-23ML
MiG-29G (9.12A) - G = Germany 1992 - designation of German MiG-29s converted by DASA to NATO standard

WEAPON OPTIONSIn service, the MiG-29 is used primarily in the air-to-air fighter role. Its primary BVR armament is the R-27 (AA-10 ‘Alamo’), two of which may be carried on the inboard underwing pylons. The ‘Fulcrum’ usually carries the short-burn semi-active radar-homing R-27R (‘Alamo-A’) sometimes with one example of the similar IR-homing R-27T (‘Alamo-B’), or sometimes as a pair of semi-active radar-homing missiles. The ‘Fulcrum’ is believed to be compatible with later long-burn versions of the R-27, but there have not been noted in released photographs and may have been given to long-range PVO interceptor Su-27s as a priority.Early reports that the MiG-29 could carry the AA-9 ‘Amos’ are completely unfounded. When it first entered service, the MiG-29 usually carried R-60 (AA-8 ‘Aphid’) short-range IR-homing missiles on the centre and outboard underwing pylons, but these have largely been replaced by the more capable R-73 RM2D (AA-11 ‘Archer’), a short-range IR-homing dogfight missile of exceptional agility, which has been rated by some experts as being superior to any Western equivalent.
(Military Aviation)
There indeed is the possibility that it had the R-73 but mostlikely due to the close connections between the soviet union and east germany it used the acual thing and not the export version before the “upgrades” from the nato engeneers.

On the F-4 Issues I wish you lot of fun with the 2Aim9L no hmd stockgring at 12.7

And the matchmaker wont use the f4 to fill up germanys 13.0 matchmaker wich eaquals in more downtiers (this has been previously seen on the japaneese F-15)

This is wrong, no production MiG-29 used MiG-23ML avionics.

“At an early design stage it was planned to equip the MiG 29 with a •Jantar” Radar set, based on the SAPHIR-23ML radar of the MiG 23, however this idea was given up in 1977."

Upgrades of MiG-29G over MiG-29A were, and I quote:

  1. Integration of a new IFF/SIF transponder;
  2. Replacing the old UHF-radio with fixed frequencies with a new VHFI UHF-radio with frequencies manually selectable;
  3. Integration of an XT-2000 emergency radio;
  4. Installation of a TACAN navigational equipment;
  5. Addition of a mach mode indicator;
  6. Anti-collision lights;
  7. Switching the indication of all instruments to feet (altimeter), miles (radar) and knots (speed indicator);
  8. Exchange of all Cyrillic lettering for English placards;
  9. Re-coloring of all aircraft in air superiority gray;
  10. Installation of a GPS, but not yet connected to the aircraft’s INS


“At the same time the designation of the MiGs changed from MiG 29 A to G (for German version) and MiG 29 US to GT (German Trainer version).”

“This first update program, called ICAO 1, did not include further upgrades to the radar as these were expected to be too costly for the overall benefit gained.”

No new weapons were made available because of the upgrade. They used the exact same weapons.

German MiG-29 with R-73s and R-27s

Source: Luftwaffe Fulcrums: The MiG 29 - From the East German People’s Army to the Luftwaffe

Thanks, I am probably not going to play it though.

I dont even like this update its trash. There is basically nothing good for ground and the good things you have to pay for.

OOOOPS i dunno what i put in there but what i meant to do was write :
MiG-29 (product 9-12 / Fulcrum-A)
First production version; entered service in 1983.

2And the upgrades that you listed are just basically Upping the Mig-29 to nato standarts xd

And thats just relatable i will prolly get it to bully ppl in grb

What do you consider “good”? (i personally would have love to seen the 2A4m in the tech tree)

I guess the 2A7HU is good but will be VERY anoying to fight against.

Ah yes, NATO standard HUD in Russian

There were proposals for TV EJ200 engines and one was built by ITP & RR however they have never been mated to an airframe and as far as I’m aware there is no longer any planes to develop the program further.