Give F-111A AIM-9E

Reminder that the AIM-120A has less effective range than the AIM-7F, the R-27ER would still reliably beat a 120A slinger if they aren’t dumb.

Please no. This is a ground pounder, not a fighter. Moving it up to a BR where it will fight higher tier spaa and fighters that will destroy this thing with ease is a terrible idea.

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Yes but you can also max-range an AIM-120A and force them to turn away and lose their missile guidance (if played right) even if the 120A has less range, purely because you don’t have to guide it past a certain point

Not at all, the AIM-120A does not go pitbull until around 10km, before that it is a datalinked missile like the AIM-54 is currently, so you cant just launch and immediately turn, you have to guide it in until pitbull.

You can, it just won’t continue to update the predicted point of intercept, if the target remains within the searched volume anyway it makes no difference, at least without post-datalink defensive maneuvers it won’t make much of a difference so exactly what you were doing when the datalink drops is important to when to Crank in the opposite direction if you can guarantee that the missile is no longer supported to escape the volume.


this is what happens when someone finds out a bomber-strike aircraft is not a fighter. use it for its intended purpose.

The aircraft was capable of equipping them, and is documented as doing so in combat. I guess the US Airforce wasn’t very good at using it for its intended purpose…

Anyway, I do agree that it needs AIM-9E’s. It’s a minor enough buff that it shouldn’t increase the BR. I’d be concerned about the AIM-9J’s bumping up the BR though, especially if every pylon is given that capability.


I think the 111 ought to be 10.7 regardless. Its speed, MAW, FCS, and of course payload makes it an extremely powerful attack aircraft/tactical bomber. Too powerful IMO for 10.3. With up to 6x AIM-9Es or 2x AIM-9Js (or 6x AIM-9Js if it ends up needing an additional buff) at 10.7 the 111A would be a much more balanced and well-rounded aircraft.

In particular, look at 2x AIM-9J on pylons 3A and 6A (3 and 10 in WT). You’d still have the full bomb load of full sweep (25x750lb or 228 FFARs), one of the highest top speeds of any aircraft even at max uptier, MAW and a good quantity of countermeasures, and still a pretty decent short range missile armament (same as the F-5E for example, and equal or better than any other contemporary supersonic attack aircraft carrying their max bomb load).

Alternatively, have an F-111A (Early) at 10.3 with TF30-P-1 engines (like the first 30 vehicles) and only AIM-9B, and F-111A (Late) with TF30-P-3 as seen in game, my suggestions of AIM-9E and J, as well as the retarded 750lb bombs the 111A is missing RN at 10.7. Maybe give that the AN/ALQ-87 radar jammers, though those might be a bit game breaking.


thinking about it again, it was a dumb statement by me

anyway, if it does carry 9e’s it should only be able to carry a small amount without increasing the br.

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It’s really funny how one of the most hyped and requested aircraft ever to be added to the game has been reduced to now being one of the most unpopular and useless hangar vehicle decorations barely talked about anymore.

But Gaijin did this aircraft so dirty by:

-Nerfing its flight model and maneuverability to oblivion (for overperforming that is understandable)

-Making a ‘realistic’ change for the 20mm gun ballistics shooting under the fuselage but then also completely forgetting to adjust the third-person view aiming reticle for it making it impossible to aim against aerial targets (facepalm)

-Still keeping this thing at the same BR at 10.3 with the gun aiming bug with no additions for better missiles it historically had like AIM-9E or AIM-9Js.


Don’t forget them nerfing the base respawn times due to its bombload despite it not being fast enough (at the start of the match) to reach bases before any F-4 or Mirage


the 111 is 10.7 now