Give F-111A AIM-9E

My personal concern would be more for 11.7 SPAA in GRB. That uptier would not be fun. I know in the Tornado taking on those can be a pain in the butt and I have standoff weapons and GBUs.

In ARB/ASB, the question really becomes… will you EVER actually use them? I know in the Tornado with 2x 9Ls I rarely actually fire them, granted thats in SB, where I am actively avoiding the enemy team. But in ARB, I still dont expect you to be dogfighting in the F-111 to the point of getting off a rear aspect shot, except vs other much slower/weaker strike aircraft. At which point, id say you are better off with using the cannon (if it can equip it)

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For GRB you’d likely be better off using the A-10.

In ARB it’s less about dogfighting and more about long-range launches on distracted opponents. That and the threat against aircraft boom n zooming an unswept Vark.

I agree. AIM-9Es shouldn’t affect the BR at all.
I just think with or without (but I want with) the 111A would be more balanced at 10.7.


Yeah, though I feel like when it comes to ground attack aircraft like the F-111, A-10, Tornado, etc… GRB has the greatest influence of BR and balance. This leaves them overtuned or more often undertuned in air modes. Though I know if i could trade my 9Ls for 9Gs on the Tornado and drop its BR down a couple of notches. I’d probably do it instantly.

But yeah, I’d doubt 9Es would increase its BR

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Most attack aircraft at high tier have lowish max payloads and lots of advanced AGMs. The 111A is rather unique in its heavy payload and low guided weapons capabilities.

It’s more like the tactical bombers of lower tiers than other jet attack aircraft.

Yeah, its an Interdictor like the “Original” Tornado. It was meant for low level flight under the radar, dumping conventional or nuclear weapons on the target and then doing the same to get out.

Which is why im somewhat envious of the low BR and why I think extreme caution needs to be taken to keep it low. Besides. This is US we are talking about, You’ll probably get the F-111C within 3-6 months.

(It’s also worth remembering the F-111 also has MAWS iirc. That is a major buff that im also very envious of, and could effect its BR more than anything else. I reckon they are just airing on the side of caution with the AAMs until that has been figured out fully)

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Don’t forget that at 10.3 you’ve got Jaguars while Su-17/22s are mostly 10.7.

Sometimes your aircraft will have some deficiencies over other ones at the same BR while recognizing its strengths over other aircraft. 9.3 of any nation but the US can do basically nothing to catch a 111. At 10.3 and 10.7 there are still aircraft without countermeasures with AIM-9J/Ps.


Hopefully the 111F and Tornado GR.4 come in December

Whilst i’d hope Britian’s “top tier” aircraft coming in December is something to finally replace the Tornado F3 as our “top tier fighter” but I am expecting something like the Tornado Gr4. But god knows how they’ll balance it carrying 12-18 Brimstones

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I’d anticipate for F/A-18A for US and CF-188A for Britain at 12.3 next patch. Same missile armaments as the F-16C and similar flight performance to the MiG-29. Seems like a no-brainer as the next top vehicles to me.

Yeah… Other options include C&P Gripen C via south Africa, C&P Mig-29 from India or my personal theory on our top tier jet (and what I hope for tbh). The Sea Harrier FA2.

I’d not be mad about the Tornado Gr4 though if A) it was actually finished (Still waiting on about 75% of the features on the Gr1, though now we have F-111 they might be developed) and B) Brimstones.

But had best not derail this thread. But yeah, F-111 is gunna be fiddly to balance. Though its a shame like the Tornado, its missing things like ground mapping radar and would also really have benefitted from a CCRP overhaul i’ve been fighting for for years.

A combined Indian/South African and maybe Canadian air subtree would be neat.

But Gripen C has AMRAAM C and Ds and won’t be here for a while.

An Atlas Cheetah C (early) could work

AMRAAM is expected this December, apparently Gripen C has been confirmed for this year and Sweden has also been promised a new top tier.

And I’d personally prefer something from Britain

It is not “the fastest thing at it’s BR.” The f104 is faster and it is at 9.3. Both planes have aim9B, a vulcan cannon, fast top speed, and brick-like maneuverability. The only difference is that the f111 is a much bigger target to hit and it can hold alot of bombs.

And has lots of CMs and MAWS. But again, read above, it’s balanced for ground not air. It’s stupid, but nothing can be done about that

AMRAAMs already??? D:

Gaijin really doesn’t give a shit about compression, huh. It should be at least another year before we get AMRAAMs.

AMRAAM jumpscare you will fight against BVR long-range practically undodgeable missiles (in War Thunder map sizes and ranges) and you will like it

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Maybe, though most minor nations need them if they want anything else. Sea Harrier FA2 for example is AMRAAM only, Gripen A could be bodged with skyflash but would be 11.7, not really top tier. Germany only has the F4F ICE, also AMRAAM only. Either that or we jump to a watered down Typhoon

As someone who mains Germany and America for air, I’d 100% rather not have a top vehicle for several patches than have an OP weapon system that bullies even on a poor airframe. It’d be at most one patch between the ICE being introduced and the F-16C getting AMRAAMs for a .3 BR increase because America only players.

We need F/A-18A, F-15A, F-15J, Su-27, Su-15TM, F-4F ICE II, all F-111s, Su-24, Su-24M, MiG-31, British Commonwealth air subtree, and Swedish Norway/Finland air subtree before we get AMRAAMs and equivalents. Not to mention the missing Century Series aircraft, other cold war jets, and even WWII aircraft that are still not in game.

Not at all my dude, its a bomb sled and thats it. Even with 9Js I’d say the 111A in it’s current state is not 10.3 material bar it’s ability to slam bases. There are numerous aircraft that run circles around it at 10.3 and below without any effort.