Give Challenger 3 (TD) its historical DM63 and 5 second reload

you can argue that like you want, but we just wont accept it.

Its like adding Aim120s but leaving US out of it


Me: makes a thread to suggest that Challenger 3 (TD), one of the worst 11.7s in the game, could use DM36 in order to become a little more relevant.

German mains: Rush towards the thread to demand the shell for Leopard 2A7V too, one of the best tanks the game will ever see.


I mean, lol.

Sometimes I hate being an all-nation player. Try to balance every nation’s vehicles so that the game is fun and balanced for everyone, only to be hit with a bat in the head by mains who just want their own nation to be above any other.


Has the UK even purchased DM63?


those are literally none arguments.

Germany is the main user (even the developing country) of the DM rounds so they should be getting it for sure as well and even according to gaijin’s logic the first one’s to get it.

If you want the Brits to so badly get a new round then or they should develop their own new round or you will have to suck it up that Germany then also get their own round that they develop en export to countries like the UK.

None of this makes any sense.

If you really think Leopard 2A7V needs DM63, make a thread asking for it, I won’t take responsibilities for the mockery the thread will become in 5 minutes xD.

But please… I am trying to make one of the worst 11.7s in the game actually functional here. Balance in a PvP game is a thing. Or should be, at least.


Has Italy even purchased DM53?
Has UK even purchased Challenger 3 (TD)?
What’s clear is that Challenger 3 (TD) was tested with DM63A1.




how about leopard 2pl gets dm63, which is historical (while dm43 is not) and challenger 3

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None of this matters. It’s a matter of balance.

You simply can not compare Leopard 2A7V to Challenger 3 (TD). You simply can’t, not with a straight face anyway. Gameplay wise. Balance wise. Even in real life. Challenger 3 (TD) needs improvements. Leopard 2A7V needs counterparts, not EVEN further improvements.


The literal promotional video where they test drive and fire Challenger 3 (TD).

+1 alongside germany

-1 if only uk that get it

i really hate when other nation get something earlier than the nation that produce it, even more if that nation also one of the biggest user

its either come to both nation or none at all


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not true, unlike tanks and planes the progenitor nation doesnt need to get their own ammo (look at the type 99 SPG its best round is a british round that we dont get) the 2A7 is one of the best tanks in the game and is in no need of this buff


Would you like me to prove a claim that you are making? Where is this video?

Have you taken into consideration the possibility that Challenger 3 (TD)'s capabilities aren’t remotely comparable to Leopard 2A7V’s and that, therefore, it may need some sort of improvement to be balanced while 2A7V, one of the best tanks the game will ever see, may not currently need any further improvements as of now?

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Then we have a solution! Germany gets dm63 for the 2pl and gets thus dm63 aswell

Easy fix and now people can stop complaining. Maybe make a topic here on the devserver-categorie aswell


What are you even trying?

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would you like the 2A7 to also lose all of its hull armour, its blow out panels its turret spall liner and 300hp from its engine in the process?


who said it should come to 2a7v tough? i only said germany should also get it alongside uk if dm63 ever come, it could be to 2a5,6,2pl, and/or pso

the only important part is germany should also get it alongside uk

Why so angsty? All I asked for is a source to your claim.