GIAT T59, The AMX 30 in a chinese tank

I don’t think it’s fair to chalk it down to “just another T-55” though, especially if it does have a different engine and transmission. Whilst there are other additions that could also be added (even more so as premiums) I don’t believe the T 59 would hurt the French tree were it to come as a premium. Overall it’d make a far more interesting and unique addition than half the vehicle additions these days.

As much as I loathe copy and paste, I’d rather see a M47 limited to just APDS come in at 6.7/7.0 and a M47 revalorisé at 7.3/7.7. Historically France doesn’t have that many indigenous medium tanks from 2.7 - 7.7 but there’s plenty of light tanks/ tank destroyers to support a lineup. Especially if and when the AMX M4 gets moved up to 7.0 with it’s actual 4 second reload.

there is the one with the french 105 would be similar to the Italian one just a different gun

Did you read at least before saying no, or you just look at the picture and tell us no ?

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This pretty much perfectly fits the mold of a squadron vehicle and look france needs one for ground xD

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Aren’t squadron vehicles mostly pure copypaste?
This tank is more like an analogue to many Israeli tech tree tanks

I did look, but didnt notice the cannon difference. French cannon does not have that bulge like the L7, that made me mistake it with soviet one with a glance.

i had a new gun
a new thermal
a new gun sight
a new galix grenade launcher
and the possibility of having a better engine and transmission as well (same as the AMX 30)

basically, just the armor is the same as the type 59 if the engine and transmission is installed

TBF France happens to have the AMX-30 Super which was solely a German development.

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yeah, that one, i would not have given it to France.

at the same time, it was the Germans who made it, but not in the name of Germany. still, I would have given it to Germany. i would also not have given the ITo 90M to France, on this one the French community is not holding on to this vehicle, as long there is a replacement that can fill the same role with similar performance. i think the FVS 987 Crotale would be perfect.

For the T59 however, it was France who allowed the development itself. it is not comparable to the AMX 30 super at all. it’s more like the many sub-variants of the other vehicles found in the tech tree which is not related to the nation where it originated.

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i found some useful pictures of the OFL 105 G2. it allows a decently accurate pixel count on which I can base the estimation of the dimension

for the OFL 105 G2 (Vo 1,525 m/sec)

total length = 655 mm
penetrator length = 610 mm
Frustum length = 65 mm
projectile caliber = 20 mm

penetration = 408 mm
perforation = 562 mm

for the OFL 105 G3 (same dimension as the G2 but with Vo 1,490 m/sec)

penetration = 395 mm
perforation = 547 mm

this decently aligns with the reported performance from Giat

some reported the OFL 105 G2 was introduced to the French army in 1993 but the round was available in 1987. that means the T59 could have this round. the OFL 105 G3 is the same projectile as the OFL 105 G2 but with a weaker propelling charge (probably to reduce the cost)

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Is there any further sources for it? I could only find this image

And for this country discussion I think domestic-upgraded exported vehicle should belong to the country who bought and upgrade it like Su-25BM with Kazakstan flag. If a third country make the upgrade, this country could receive too as exporter, and the origin country could receive the vehicle in the “just-exported situation” like VT4A1
In this opinion, France will receive this T 59 cause it make the upgrade, but it will no longer receive ItO 90M cause it’s a Finnish varient, and if there’s Turkey’s Terminator 2020, both Turkey(as operator) and Israel(upgrader) could have but USA(original exporter) shouldn’t have

as it was presented in Satory 1996

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German private company, built in Saudi Arabia with a Saudi tank with the license from AMX

I would have given this tank to Germany personally. but Gaijin decided otherwise
at the same time, Germany has the DF 105 which was built and tested in France. it was also exclusively marketed by France

it was a proof of concept to export the turret, it was not made to export the chassis. it was done in the Five-Lille factory and the tank probably never even set foot in France and I even doubt a German ever touched it. The cooperation was more like “Hey can we try to mount a turret on your tank to export it?” “sure, here is how the chassis can have a new turret.”

the aimed market was Argentina which had chosen the TAM which entered into service in 1985. the DF 105 was an alternative to the TAM and at the same time, offered a standardization and upgrade with the Argentinian AMX 13. turns out that the DF 105 was converted to the Clovis later. the demonstration was a success as the FL-15 turret was indeed exported.
