So there is not gonna be any chance for vehicles? Are there not gonna be any other SL-chests with rewards like the travel-suitecase?
but we’ll see . . . they may just be keeping us dangling for a bit longer(my hopes) . . .
For “Cool Rewards” read “more meh stuff”
The sl trophies have not yet had the list of content inside posted. Most likely monday. And the announcement of ge crates returning for new years also.
I saved an embarrassing amount of SL just so I can sink it all into SL-creates. But thats not gonna happend unless I can win vehicles
Im crossing my fingers
It will be, the sl crate is the “snow globe” they said more news soon to come about what they contain. I saved up 100 Mil for them and am just as eager to hear what vehicles are in them as you are, just need to wait a couple more days sadly.
War thunder nations are getting diluted out of having any reason to play them
I’m pretty sure it will be ok. Personally I’m ok with winning some boosters and getting SL rewards(they look bigger now, so . … ) to keep the “boat afloat”. I spend a little, depends on how much SL’s I get back each “play”, but I don’t expect to win any more vehicles really, I have a lot as is, but do have a few missing I would gladly take. But for me, it’s just fun doing 10 or 20 at a time, then waiting a while and doing about the same . . . spacing out the boosters I gather in enough so I don’t have to “mega stack” them and lose % . . lol, that’s my “game within the game” for the crates each time . . .lol. Anything else I gather up is just bonus stuff. We all do the game differently . . . all good, I wish you luck either way
Good luck to you aswel
Going to open about 2000 of them soon as they return, then however many more i can afford from the sl i unbox (long as theres atleast 1 vehicle in the crate i dont have). Gl everybody!
they should bring back GE Wagers, or just put more GE, premiums and premium accounts (7 days or something) rather then SL
while it is nice, SL can be earned through while GE cannot (in most normal cases)
you should try playing between 3.3 and 5.7, they’re the most enjoyable ranges with the least amount of captured/exported tanks (aside from the rare German KV-1)
This event seems just as bad as last year’s.
This year was horrible for events, only good one was Object 292. I’m probably not going to bother with it, good luck to anyone who wants any of those vehicles for whatever reason.
I hope gajin can rethink this and give us something actually worthwile grinding next time or like half the requirements.
Telling us to grind same amount of score for some garbage copypaste vehicles as for actually unique rewards is just ridiculous.
Events used to be a way of gaining unique interesting vehicles, often with premium status, that’s why they were special in the first place. If the reward is a tank or plane one can simply get in tech tree why would anyone bother with it? It’s going to be worthless on the marketplace anyway and grinding one in tech tree will be quicker. It would be very different if they had a premium status at least, but they don’t so there is absolutely no reason to grind for any of them
Atleast a chines one for my new grinded chines trees
Because they are apolitical hungarian company)
Id agree woth this statement if it weren’t ankther T80 and Kongo class.
T80s as event vehicles, like Leo 2s, are getting boring and very unoriginal
Naval couldve been another ship of a different class. Didnt have to be the same class as another event ship. Its clearly just to save costs.
Its gotten so bad the events are repeating, good lord.
American vehicles added to the French TT, actual domestic French vehicles relegated to being event rewards. Im already tired of benelux.
There may be a slight difference in performance between a Kfir and F-2…