Get the Iranian F-14A IRIAF in the ‘Persian Tomcat’ event

You can install it on US F-14A, SAC proves that
Even not sure, if it fully removable

Полностью согласен. Российское комьюнити давно просит такие машины, как Жало-С или БМПТ Терминатор. Аналогов нет, машины необычные и интересные, но вместо них вводят третий премиум клон


because neither of those countries had anything to do with the aircraft


Well this is very entertaining to watch as Russian crying desperately to get this plane for their TT
which had nothing to do with it really show how theirs brain working pure comedy


Hey man! First off Russia had nothing to do with this jet, so it was either the US of A, or an Iranian TT.

For the RU main who want it in the USSR tree:


Besides, is a US jet anyway, ain’t nothing wrong with adding a few more US jets to the USA :P
(Also the Russian missiles it used were integrated by Iran who had said missile in supply, Russia/USSR had nothing to do with the upgrades of the Iranian F-14A

It will be a unique aircraft however, getting the off brand Aim-54 and the Hawk missile, as well as apparently the R-27R1 Radar guided air to air missile (however irl, the the attempted integration of the R-27 missile failed, as the radar wasn’t compatible despite their attempts, and the project to integrate it was canned. Should be removed imo, as there’s no reason to add it since it couldn’t use it historically)

The Hawk SARH missile the F-14 will get (only can carry 2 on the outer pylons, which even had to be structurally strengthened to carry the missile in the first place!)

Rare images of the Sedgil missile and the Iranian F-14s


If I’m not mistaken, you haven’t been around long enough to actually have seen better. For Aircraft event vehicles we been relinquished to Strike oriented aircraft and non unique aircraft for years at this point. The last actually well received and interesting addition being the F4D-1 waaaay back when. Since then aircraft like the A-7K, Jaguar IS, Su-25BM, and other strike aircraft have been constantly added as the main event prizes, with the Mirage-2000-CS4 being the only non strike aircraft since the F4D-1, yet it was as copy paste as it gets. And although the F-14 is already present ingame, it armaments and visual appearance will be drastically different from what we already have ingame, just wait till you see the rocket that thing gets (it literally looks like 750lb bomb strapped to the head of a Aim-54 to be used as a rocket lmaooo)


I’m not saying I don’t want to give or receive a history lesson, that’s what the other guy was saying.

I’m fine with that. Going to be hard to play a high speed interceptor, but if it can hold it’s own in it’s BR, why not?

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Not really. It needs a large reservoir for coolant to keep the seeker head fresh. Only certain pylons have those lines. The Tomcat, AFAIK couldn’t even keep the R-73’s cool (it seems), so I seriously doubt the 27T’s could work on the IRIAF F-14.

Already mentioned I’m going to be grinding it so I can grind the US line. I just wanted to see the F-14 somewhere other than the US tree. Nothing weird or obsessive.

Just passing on what I’ve heard from leakers. I’d LOVE a Pan-Arab/MENA tree.

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You dont understand we need to have signature US aircraft in anything but US TT because we really really want to play it but we cant admit it nor be seen touching US TT.”


Oh intresting that means norgwegian and denmark arent considered sub trees for sweden?

That would actualy change quite a bit

Officialy not yet

The bigger thing is, it doesnt need a sub tree becsuse offcialy its a USSR tree not russian tree and a lot more nations fall under ussr

Thats the same way he talked about argentinia, take it as there is no romanian sub tree

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Interesting fact, every TT has signature US aircraft (except Sweden)

Just not yet

Interesting fact, 8 out of 10 TT has signature US jet aircraft

They have a P-51.

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Yes, but i mistaken in previous msg. Just not yet

They’ll get an F-18 when it comes

Right, I missed it.