Get the Iranian F-14A IRIAF in the ‘Persian Tomcat’ event

I hope there a pre-revolutionary skin for the Tomcat since there an imperial decal.


And theres no SU-37 in the italian tree, so?

AM or PM?

Seeing Russian fanboys cry that they don’t get this is like
Lmao Iran got that plane when relationships with US still good (so good that they got F-14 from US at the first place)
plus F-14 had nothing to do with USSR


It was a query about whether or not anyone had any information about the missile in regards to the tomcat. Not an argument that it should carry it. Can nobody read reply chains?

Yeah that’s cool and all, is the 45k score per task too much? I understand that it’s a top tier vehicle but come on, people really don’t have the time to grind this.

It’s fine. It’s 1000% better than the crafting events. I completed multiple crafting events and will take the pure score events 1 thousand times over a crafting event where RNG can ruin it.

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Yeah well personally I preferred the crafting events as I could get some lovely gaijin coin from it yk? I mean I’m unlikely able to get the F-14 so it will likely be a waste of my time.

Possible but UK has so many UK vehicles missing

What about IRST on Iranian F14A then?

It was removed as was the US F14A because it was useless, but at least it would make the Iranian F14A even more unique


I like these events more as I could just GE them lol

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Leaked image of the new F-14A IRIAF coming in the next event for the US tech tree!



More inlets for more speeds?

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Yeah this is usually on gaijin instead of the playerbase, they are just capitalising on it

I don’t know if anyone has asked yet but it this f-14 going to be the upgraded am model or the out of the box one they got but with modern weapons?

F-14 looking a bit hungrier than usual…

What… the…

F-14 with A-6 nose/cockpit and F-8 intake?

that’s true, but as I’ve spent $515 ish on this game I don’t wanna spend another like $80 for just an event F-14

А кто назначил свободную Индию поддеревом Британии? Индия начала вести действия по выходу из под британской руки во время 2 Мировой. На момент получения Т-90 и МиГ-21 она уже несколько десятилетий была свободной страной. Так же как и Швеция никогда не закупала Т-80 и Ми-28. Они были направлены шведам на закупочный конкурс в составе 3 машин, кроме как на полигоне эта техника нигде не использовалась и от закупок шведы отказались. Почему им не дали свою/НАТО технику в виде полковых образцов? Почему СССР не досталось ни одного шведского танка, если Швеция раньше входила в состав РИ. Ведь Британии именно поэтому дали советские машины, потому что Индия РАНЬШЕ была колонией

I’ve seen better, but why not add it to USSR or China? I don’t think US needs another Tomcat unless if it’s the F-14D Super Tomcat.

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