Krangvagn in Swedish literally means “Crane truck” yes, I know it was a cover for Emil, generally speaking people still call it Krangvagn though.
I rarely, see anyone that isnt a WoT fan bring it up on here.
its really clutching at straws.
And no most folks ive seen bring it up call it the Emil.
EDIT: im also done with this topic youve genuinely no counter arguments as to why this thing should be added and were on a topic with absolutely no corrolation to sweden at all.
Some I know on the forum, who is literally Swedish calls it the Krangvagn too…
You started the whole conversation, I made the simple statement they missed an opportunity.
one person calls it that okay. read what i said, i never said no one calls it that just that most ive seen call it an emil.
again make some relevant points as to why it should be added or stop
Scuse me you dont seem to understand how conversations start.
YOU have effectively and literally started this conversation by saying that.
Its not a missed oppurtunity.
You also corrected me to say as if Emil was the wrong name when militarily the documents we have access to call it Emil.
again, you began this in a thread about Shir 2.
Dont say i began the conversation
Can someone confirm. Do premium vehicles and/or premium accounts boost your mission points reward or no? I see most WT content creators saying yes but then a lot of people in the comments saying no.
Depend on what you mean by “mission points reward” as those are three different things.
If you just mean how much mission score you get for a specific action, no, i do not believe so.
If you mean the reward amount in RP and SL you get for each specific action then yes.
“Mission points reward” doesn’t really exist.
There are: “mission scores”, “Research points” and “Silver lion rewards”.
I mean for the event. The points you get for the event rewards. Like 25000 every 2 days. Do u get more points per game if you use a premium or no?
That is based on mission score, so no.
The things that affect the score’s size is:
Your performance in the match gives you the base score.
The game mode you are playing then multiplies that base score with either x1 for Arcade, x1.33 for Realistic or x1.8 for Simulator (unsure if the multipliers are the same for Air Events).
The rank of the vehicle you are playing, rank I-IV: x0.8 (Note, at ranks I-III you get zero score unless the vehicle used is an event vehicle), V: x1 , VI: x1.1 , VII-VIII: x1.2 .
As far as i understand it those are the only factors that affect the score you receive for the event marks.
Yeah was wonderin why people said to use prems as it generated more score. But i think they mean use premiums as itll generate you more RP and SL throughout the grind !
is it not the same as nato names for russian fighters for example ???
Where nato calls it x and then russia calls it something else ??
is it not something as simple as this, 1 person calls it by the original designation and the other by the “NATO Callsign” for example ??
depends, Its different in the context of the Emil series as the name Krangvagn was used by the swedish to hide it, due to the nature of the 1950s.
The real military used name IS the Emil and the 93 page document i was reading ( i mentioned above) calls it as such.
The way NATO is identifying say soviet fighters of the time was to prevent confusion as due to the Soviet, warssaw and chinese naming systems.
For example, the Flanker. Its easier to say than a designation of it especially in the heat of the moment.
Russia doesnt call them flankers they call it a su27 or sukhoi 27 ( in russian ofc and they will ahve their own nicknames I assume)
Su25 for example, frogfoot. Its called that for easy, quick identification over saying SU25 sukhoi 25, cause even a simple miss digit or even miss hearing could lead to people believing that a totally different air craft or vehicle is there.