Get the F-5A(G) in the Freedom Fighter Event!

I saw the SU-27s at a airshow here in Norway in the early 90s, gaijin when?


Kongsberg NSM which succeeded the Penguin notes its multirole capabilites in numerous places, the Penguin has nothing.


Lets compare this against Kongsberg brochure for the NSM and NSM-AL


A video from the 80s about its integration into the F-16 only notes its anti ship capabilities


There’s an analysis of the acquisition of the Penguin missile for the US, not a single mention of anything but anti ship capabilities

If I submitted a bug report with any of the publicly available brochures or US studies on integration it wouldn’t even make it to the devs, it would be rejected by the mods because everything about it says its a AsM.

I fully support things being historically modeled, I supported the Brimstone being historically modeled and locked to a single mode, so why is the Penguin getting some ahisotrical mode that there is zero evidence it could do?


Soon TM, i hear if you open your wallet and give them like 700 DKK they might add it ;)

Seriously though, its so expensive for premium vehicles now lol.

its even more sad because they use the russian report which got not a bug because currently no way of implementation is possible, other reports get in such cases ussualy formed from bug to suggestion…

they will be able to lock tanks, and then they’re going to change it and completely break it, just like the Tornado IDS MFG ;D

to make the norwegian f5 special so we have people grinding and buying it. next we need kormorans that can target tanks.

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Komorans use a radar seeker so until we get more sensitive ground radars i dont think we will. Still remember being able to lock the Ito and Flarakrad since they were big enough to pop up on radar lol


yeah was being a bit sarcastic about how gaijin treats these missiles

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Eh, i don’t think you’re far off, gimmick stuff normally breaks then doesn’t get fixed. Hull aiming, Komorans ect ect just kinda the norm


The EF-2000 had GMTI, but they took it away. So we do have those radars available in game.

We had it before the EFT, things like the A7 should have it but dont. I think its more likely gaijin is waiting until we get better SPAA for nations

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hopefully coming in the next update 🙏🙏🙏

F-15E, SU-34 and Su-24 even still have Ground radar, and its confirmed for the EF to come back, we just dont know when xD


antiradiation missiles and multivehicle spaa will probably come in the same update. maybe that is the time for ground target modes to also get implemented

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Yeah more than likely, question is if all nations will get SPAA or if they are gonna do a handful at a time.

if any nation is excluded i hope its not israel considering their current best spaa is a crappy chaparral at 10.0.
i just realized the topic is still f5a so maybe we should continue on that

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Hoping for Spyder for Isreal, but ye off topic lol


Would fit perfectly. Sweden players are used to having bad or no RWR

I agree insofar as I think that systems should not have their capabilities enhanced for balance reason. I somehow get it that some systems have (for now…) their capabilities reduced for balance reasons however. Not necessariyl happy with it, but can understand it…

But what I’d absolutely would want to see is changes in the WT environment that would make weapons like the Penguin (specifically designed as littoral defense system against invading forces) not a novelty but actually something that matters.

Currently WT is very much lacking in variety, quantity and quality of viable targets for quite a few weapon systems, and ASM’s absolutely belong to those systems. There’s what, 5 Sim EC maps with naval forces, and only one of them (Denmark) a large map suitable for modern aircraft. And exactly four types of ships: Cargo, Destroyers, Aircraft Carrier.

Ships could easily be added to Sinai (one of the more active shipping routes of the world…) and would add so much. And adding lighter ships like frigattes and smaller would make perfect sense.

What specific ordinances do you use? Explosive bombs, incendiary or anything else? How much for each airfield?