Get the F-5A(G) in the Freedom Fighter Event!

F-5E FCU is 11.3 ARB… and 11.0 GRB, not to mention python 3 when ti sees a flare = gone, aim9p-4 is just the same

not to mention the F-5T is 11.0 ARB with 2 9L’s and a hms

Meh, for a .3 increase i can have 4 aim 9L equivalents and double the engine power

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Fr this thing is DoA


What are the misunderstandings, if you dont mind me asking?

@Stona_WT can we expect this vehicle to keep getting changed before release or is the Aim 9L final? If thats finale then it means i can skip this vehicle

The weapon kit mostly.

Reminder, the Norwegian F-16A Block 15 can carry 4x Penguins.

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Amd would’ve been a better choice than this thing lol


As a Norwegian, I am going to play it all the time either way. But they should add this as well.

11.0 with 2 9L’s just seems like more effort than its worth but i respect the dedication

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I personally like a lot of vehicles the community love to hate on, for example the F-86K (which is also plane that was used by Norway, we were the first country to get it delivered.) But the F-5 is actually pretty good and I think I am going to have a great time playing it.

Im just waiting for Norwegian CF-104, looking forward to the Canadian starfighter with Norwegian roundels, or the Danish F 35, or Norwegian F16 both would be great additions.

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I hope they do a Norwegian Subtree with some danish planes aswell. Even though it’s mostly copy paste vehicles, we do have a lot of custom modifications and weapon loudouts. We even made our own napalm bombs (Northick II) which burns better in snow and colder climates.

The F-5A(G) with A-38N Chaff Dispenser Pods!
Picture taken in late August 1993

It is an unmarked plane of 336 sq


Chaff? Meh i dont think id use them but better bug report it if its missing them

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Nor/DK 5th air line when snail?


Yes, working on more information :D

I think its the same as we used on the F-16, with 120x countermeasures of both flares and chaff, i don’t think it is only chaff

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The plane also currently has the wrong pilot model. It should use the same one as the early F-16’s.


Wanted to grind this plane when it had the L/I but now with just 9Ls? Think I’ll pass.

Also, don’t think this thing can fire the Penguin, as it has no MFD. The only image of an RNoAF F5 carrying a penguin is on the 2 seater variant.

Can all of them fire penguin or just the 2 seater, pretty sure all of them can