We’ll need to see, again the majority believe its on par with the F20 since it has 2 IRCCM missiles
This is a fact
The jaguar has 2 magic 2s at like 11.3, so that means that it should be moved to 12.7 :clueless:
Ah heres is your problem. Jaguar chassis isn’t hated by the community nearly as much as the F5 is
wdym hated?
I remember someone made a report about the temperature of the f5s engines with actual nasa documents and then gaijin rejected it bc of thier random russian book about the f5 that has data that they prpb made up
The F-5 is somewhat hated due to it being undertiered for quite a while, having a very strong damage model, and having the most BS heat signature ever.
It’s the only plane where you can barely lock anywhere but a rear aspect shot if you’re not using all-aspect missiles.
so it is launchable against tanks. good.
Pretty much, literal sky rat energy
oh yeah for sure. I love it so much.
Eh, not as many games as i would’ve guessed but a good amount, at least its not a low BR vehicle where people seal club…
Though still, the F5A has weaker engines than the F5’s it will meet
I don’t see how it could keep homing aspect against ground targets or behave more than manual guidance with MCLOS controls.
We did just go through similar things with Brimstones, we know Gaijin’s official stance on features missiles don’t have.
idk. you trade engine for IRCCM. I think it’s going to be good if it’s not above 12.3
Being one of the most compressed places in the game there is no one good place to put it but I would have it at 12.3 with 9L/Is at a JH-7A alternative.
It’s not quite good enough to be 12.7 as a F-16A Blk.10 alternative but 12.3 seems right to me. I just don’t want IRCCM any lower than it has to be.
Maybe , the issue with it is, its still an F5 at the end of the day and most folks are now aware of howto fight it, especially at higher BRs.
12.3 sits it with the mirage 2000S C-4 , which is miles, literally miles better than an F5 in every way bar retention
The M2K is undertiered and should not be considered as the base for the BR, I’m looking at the JH-7A and Kurnass 2K for my opinions.
Kurnass 2k is miles ahead of this F5 as well.
also the JH7A is actually quite a good platform for a strike fighter at the BR.
any other 12.3s? cause if im honest even if this got 9Ms it would struggle to be 12.3, the bison is what 12.3?
it has R73s and R27s.
suped up radar and avionics as well as HMD
And that is compression.
The JH-7A has a worse FM and 4 AIM-9L equivalents, which balances out to 2 AIM-9L/Is. Only iffy thing there is the F-5s avionics. A decompression of 0.7 in that area would fix this pretty quick and keep the F-5A(G) from being overtiered or undertiered.
Again if it cant be used for CAS then the jet really has no place, the Danish or Norwegian F16 would have been better options since they’d actually help the air tree heavily