Get Strasbourg in the Raider Hunter Event!

I have in Japan usa and ger but it’s boring

My problem isn’t the 45K per se but the Naval queue times. During Ground and Air events, queue times are a snap, so the grind goes by as intended. But with Naval, whether Arcade or Realistic, one can be waiting 5 to 10 minutes or more (at least on the US west coast server,) making the grind a tediously drawn out affair. The Barham was a nightmare of waiting times to grind - can’t go through that again. Too bad, Strasbourg is indeed a pretty ship.

I only play Naval with “Join active battles” turned on. And with the changes they made recently to the Naval queue (increased time window for joining active battles) the wait times are quite short now (with join active enabled.) Usually only 1-2 minutes for me now. Give it a try before you decide to pass up on the new event bote 🙂

For anyone that might not know where the setting is:


Appreciate you mentioning that, but being that I play mostly Air, where joining active matches is largely pointless, I avoid that setting. Having to keep switching it on and off just for marginally improved Naval queue times is a pain in the neck.

I really wish they had it set up where you could queue for more than one match at once, and joined whichever popped first, like every other PVP game I’ve played.

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And? Really gayjin? You DON’T WANT AD AP SHELL ON THE dunkerque (it’s unplayable is big s***), they have many source prove that he has them, just ad another good ship in real life, but one jocke in game, another bb with no ap? And can’t kill again the BB??? Just hate french… All french BB is shit, just need one balanced BB PLS

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…Could this possibly mean more French bluewater/coastal vessels next update? Because that tree’s needing them badly…

They flagged my other USS Pennsylvania message

I will never stop asking
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