Get Rare Vehicles in a Joint Event with War Thunder Mobile!

War Thunder Mobile is now in its second year! Featuring realistic vehicles, this game has now reached more than 10 million players. Not tried it yet? Then join us! The game can be downloaded on iOS and Android for free.

In honor of the release of the “Steep Dive” major update in War Thunder Mobile, we’re continuing to do joint-events where you can get vehicles in both games by completing tasks in War Thunder Mobile. This time, the list of rewards has been expanded with an aircraft!

Rewards in War Thunder

All tasks need to be completed in War Thunder Mobile to receive these rewards in War Thunder.

[NEW!] Bf 109 C-1 in a Unique Camouflage

Research or purchase 4 aircraft in War Thunder Mobile.

This variant of the legendary Bf 109 features a more powerful engine and two additional 7.92 mm machine guns in the wings. Double the firepower!

M4 in a unique camouflage

Take 1st place three times on your team in a tank battle.

The M4 Sherman is a real classic of mid tier tank battles. 75 mm gun, decent AP shells and good frontal armoring of the hull and turret.

Hatsuzuki in a unique camouflage

Win 3 battles.

Destroyer Hatsuzuki (japanese. “New Moon”) is one of the heaviest ships of its class. It is exceptionally armed: eight 100 mm main caliber guns, many 25 mm AA machine guns, and famous 610 mm torpedoes.

Player icon

Complete 5 battles.

“War Thunder Mobile” decal

Complete 10 battles.

Rewards in War Thunder Mobile

All tasks need to be completed in War Thunder Mobile.

[NEW!] Bf 109 C-1 in a Unique Camouflage

Research or purchase 4 aircraft in War Thunder Mobile.

M4 Sherman platoon

Take 1st place three times on your team.

M4 Sherman platoon: M4 Sherman, M10 Wolverine, M24 Chaffee, M16 MGMC.


Win 3 battles.

Player icon

Complete 5 battles.

Nickname decorator

Complete 10 battles.

War Thunder players can log into War Thunder Mobile with their Gaijin account. War Thunder Mobile players will simply need to link their existing Apple ID, Google Play ID, or Facebook ID to their Gaijin account. If you’re already playing War Thunder Mobile using your Gaijin account, then you’re all set!


Same rewards apart from new plane, also these set of “historical camo” will be always displayed on any skin preferences is settings, meah…


rank 2 or 3…yeah Im good off that

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Nice! I don’t have any german planes unlocked yet, so I will be sure to pick it up.
Nice opportunity to test my new phone HW capabailities:)

Also that Japanese destroyer is really helpful for BattlePass challenges, so i recommend everyone to unlock it, as it is fairly easy and quick way to get 3rd rank B.O.A.T.

Nabbed mine this morning.
It’s a nice looking plane.

Fortunately the 109 is incredibly easy to get.
You need 4 planes and it doesn’t matter rank or how you get them, the tutorial gives you one of the starters, play 3 matches against bots, get 3 more planes and your done.


Ambiguous, does this state?:

  • Completing a task in WTm grants according reward in main WT


  • Only fully completion of all tasks will grant the rewards in main WT

UPD: all tasks are separate to complete and claim

Nothing stands near the (squadron) Shimakaze in arcade for completing torpedo challenges

Is there a timeframe within which this has to be completed?

Rare is definitely not a word I would use, maybe for the M4 as when I tried playing that version last year I could barely get first place due to the clunkiness of playing on a mobile (seems I’m not alone as per posts I’ve seen from others on other forums).

The Destroyer Hatsuzuki isn’t to rare either as you’ll see them the most (as of current) but for the Bf 109 C heh that’s a rather simple task compared to the M4 so it’ll likely be as common as the TT equivalent.


Last time (year ago) I bough KV-220 on discount (with free gold from just booting the game) - it was lagging straight in hangar, but I never bothered to play the game after rewards ripping, so whatever performance is :|

But do not wait few years ;)


Nah, I’m aight.

I already have 4 planes in WT mobile. Will I get the plane by defult or do I need to get 4 more planes to get it?

Judging by the fact that I already had 3 listed that I unlocked a week or so ago… yes.

Best regards,

Well, it’s too bad that I can’t play War Thunder Mobile as the Play Store doesn’t let me download it. Apparently my phone isn’t supported.

You can download it from WTM’s official website

Then I have to deal with the potential risk of my banking app no longer working due to apks from outside sources being installed

LoooL, devs brought loosing RP from overflow even to mobile! But since there no modules - the TT research has same flaw, when you pick certain thing for research with already known consequences. I just unlocked SB2U-2 and have 0 (zero) RP carried to TBD-1. Not surprised -_-. Fascinated from blatant steal on my eyes! “Full PC grind immersion reached”


only reason i played WTM was for the M4

If you got a little mobile GE banked from previous WTM events, and you’ve never played an air game, you can buy the 3 rank II premiums (1080 mobile GE ea), plus your chosen starter plane gives you the 4th, don’t need to even play one air game, total cost 3240 mobile GE.