Get HMS Barham in the Steel Baron Event!

We’ve been told that a new top tier ship is coming at some point for us. Good chance it will be a WW2 refit of the QE- Class as they can just modifiy Barham


So far they have never added the same ship in multiple refits. However Smin confirmed the UK and others are due to receive new rank IV ships in the coming two updates.

For the UK this would likely include another QE class or an R class. However they could also add something less likely such as KGV 1911, KGV 1938 or Nelson/Rodney, however the last two would be a big step up.

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i would love that to be added as the 2 torps i have taken have killed all of the secondarys on each side of the ship which i feel is kinda bs


adding Scharnhorst was a huge step up, and we’ve been stuck in its meta for almost 3 years
we’re due another jump in capabilities, and as long as its not a single meta definer that rules supreme, i dont even care how far up the list of battleships we’re gonna go
the (very small) steps we’ve been making the past years have been almost negligble as most 7.0s still get their teeth kicked in by Scharnhorsts (more often than not piloted by aced/maxed crews)


Adding Scharnhorst was frankly moronic, sure Hood had big guns but that was all she had going for her that wasn’t already present. But as it stands I’m not even wholly convinced a KGV 1938 would stand up to Scharnhorst and that’s the ship that historically sunk the Scharnhorst (with others of course). If the British 15 inch can’t then the 14" certainly shouldn’t be able to either afaik.

I just really dislike the jumps as it also means that now ships like the R class, QE class (that’s not a stupid event, shouldn’t have to grind for the UK’s 2nd top tier in 2-3 years), Dunk/Stras/Normandie, Franc Carraciollo, Ersatz Yorck, Mackensen etc are rendered relatively irrelevant when really they’d all be balanced against eachother as current top tiers but instead we end up forging on to the KGV’s Richelieus, Nelsons, Littorio’s, Bismarck, Nagati refit’s etc.

My very, very, very unpopular ‘solution’ to the Scharnhorst problem is that Scharnhorst should be removed, and players who got her should get the Ersatz Yorck and Mackensen for free and then when Scharnhorst is re-added they get her in the exact same condition she was in. Similar to how they removed the CV-90 120 (or something like that) when it was not wholly accurate, Scharnhorst is just too broken.

My other solution, keep Scharnhorst, and put her at 8.3 and Scharnhorst players can enjoy trying to kill eachother whilst everyone else with more-or-less balanced vessels can enjoy the top tier environment. In the least alienating way, I have some slight disdain for Scharnhorst players (please no scharnhorst players take it personally), similarly to how I felt about F-104A players before its nerf. Its just abusing something that everyone knows is utterly broken.

Of course we can expect neither and for some reason we haven’t decompressed naval to 7.7 yet.


Honestly, I think you are exaggerating a bit with Scharnhorst at this point.

It was extremely OP in 2021, up to 2022, 2023 and even early 2024…

But as of now, you seem to forget we now have stuff like Mutsu and Amagi firing 410mm salvos every 25 seconds with 765mm of pen and more explosive per salvo than any other ship as well. That’s leaving aside the nerf Scharnhorst got regarding the ease with which it can be ammoracked now.

If Scharnhorst is to go up, Mutsu and Amagi should accompany it- and not by such extreme degree you suggest where they would literally be alone in the matchmaker.

Decompression is badly needed, as well as more capable ships for other nations, but… we can’t pretend that Scharnhorst is the ONLY issue at Top Tier right now, and let alone to the extent it was in 2021.

Yes they too probably should go up but it’s not the gun alone, scharhhorst is a modern ww2 armour design, almost as modern as it gets. This should not be the same br as ww1 dreadnoughts.


Both Scharnhorst and Bismarck are famously known for still retaining pre-Jutland armor schemes because the Germans didn’t update their naval design philosophy since WW1.

I am the first one who wants decompression, but putting Scharnhorst literally alone, not even with Amagi and Mutsu, on a BR where it can literally only face itself, is way, way too far fetched, specially now.

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Where is the new event guys? We’re waiting for the new one :)

SHUDDUP LOL, no, I need a break from doing the F14 and the Barham 😭 I could use a break for even a couple months. Don’t push them to make us grind AGAIN immediately 😂 (Well, unless it’s a tank event, cuz I am enjoying playing tanks atm haha.)

To be honest bro I just opened with Golden Eagles… Barham thing… F-14 was painful for me…

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Same reason why I want a tank for the next event, hahah.

I would have to struggle, sweat and burn out to grind a plane, but I think I can get a tank relatively easy just by playing a bit more than I normally do.

(This is, for the Marketplace coupons. I don’t consider the “keeper grind” to be too hard.)

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@SPANISH_AVENGER meant to respond to your comment but for some reason it didnt do it.

I don’t want to fall out, we often agree, but here I fundamentally and wholeheartedly disagree, Scharnhorst is still very much unkillable for one ship, and its only possible with 2 of the best ships and poor playing on Scharnhorsts part.

Recently i’ve had success killing them because they keep sailing brainlessly within 5km of me with my 15" guns. But the ship still does not take proper flooding from AP, still cannot be penetrated at range and still has very good RoF.

Is it the only top tier issue ship, of course not I would never ever deny that, but when a Mutsu or Amagi who are the other problem ships look at me from 11km, their guns often miss and I can also return fire and detonate/cripple them with some good aim, you literally cannot do that against a Scharnhorst. 17 seconds vs 25 seconds reload is actually quite a big deal, it’s the same difference as Hood vs a Tennessee for example generally people do not complain about British reloads though they could of course be better, whereas US reloads are seen as unworkable.

It is still a much bigger issue than Mutsu or Amagi who trade their firepower for armour, whereas Scharnhorst has no tradeoff as it often has more guns and a faster reload in addition to armour.

People still deliberately do not shoot at Scharnhorst because they know in a 1v1 you cannot possibly kill them. As for the detonation nerf, yes it is now easier, but its still one of the hardest ships in game to kill particularly if they play like everyone else does and actually keep their range, its just so many are accustomed to just sailing straight in knowing they will easily rack up 6 or 7 kills before they even have to worry about repairing or losing a turret.

I agree that Mutsu and Amagi and Hood and Kron should all go up, but I also don’t see them as being the same level as a Scharnhorst. Frankly no other ship in-game deserves to have to fight Scharnhorst outside of a full uptier.

I understand that removing a ship is actually quite a big issue, but equally so, thats why as you have identified, I often feel that I would prefer Scharnhorst to be quite literally fully alone in the matchmaker than have to fight her in any other nations vessels. But this is partially cope on my part.

My actual serious solution.

If I could and I was being reasonable, Hood would go to 7.3 along with a refitted QE class, Kron, Amagi, Mutsu maybe some others. And then Scharnhorst would be the sole 7.7 and she would have the same penalties as vehicles in full downtiers do.

However as its naval that’s a little unworkable as limiting it to 4 players in Scharns is still too much. So in my opinion, they could either, limit it to two Scharnhorst players per game, or alternatively they could keep it at 4 Scharnhorsts however disable the ability to bring backups of her, or finally, make it so with a Scharnhorst you only get 2 respawns per game rather than 3.

This could all be undone when the game is actually ready for a ship like Scharnhorst when things commonly have the armour and firepower to deal with her, then she could be balanced more on her speed, agility, torpedo’s, RoF, AA rather than being immensely difficult to damage, having sufficient penetration to dish out crippling blows etc.


Yeah they didn’t adopt all or nothing, ket turtle back blah blah blah. We know all the repeated nonsense but we never talk about the ww2 hull designs, the improved compartmentalisation typical for ww2 ships vs ww1, improved armour quality, improved magazine storage, handling, protection, improved damage control systems, modern ww2 level deck armour for protection against aircraft and plunging fire nor an issue considered for ww1 designs.

Additionally I said other may beds to go up, I just pointed out because 2 other ships you listed also may over perform doesn’t make scharnhorst not busted in its br, just now there are 3 busted ships.

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It will be tank, they do them in order now. Gaps are about 2 weeks apart I think from memory but a couple times a year it can be 3 or 4. Might be after the naval one I can’t recall the exact details

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The question after Scharnhorst is, which bigger clubber will Gaijin bring next to break this “Meta”.

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trust the plan

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Bismarck lmao.


You made my day, thanks for that 😂

I guess USS North Carolina